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Health Care Utilization, Cost, and Quality – Uses of Data

There are so many great datasets released related to health care utilization, cost and quality.  What ways have you been able to make use of the data; both in the research sense and the application development sense?  Why is this information meaningful to you?


Doesn't ref equipment, but

Doesn't ref equipment, but this one ties ICD9's to DRGs and cost stats:


Make sure to read the pdf documentation to understand what the vars code for exactly


Good luck!



Quality and Capacity Data

Hi All,

Does anyone know of where I can find the following data:

1) De-identified PQRI results (HIPAA compliant but the more granular the better)

2) The number of units of a particular piece of equipment in a given hospital / outpatient clinic (e.g. MRI, surgical robot)

3) Utilization data for outpatient clinics by HCPCS code




Looking for one

Looking for one aswell.


Pure SEO Auckland

ICD and CPT codes

Hello all,

Are you aware of any dataset /database linking ICD9 or ICD-10 codes with CPT codes?  Such information would be invaluable toward understanding of utilization (over or under) of procedures/tests.  thanks.


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