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Health A–Z : 1-5 of 5 Results

Find a Red Cross Shelter  External Link

To find emergency shelter and supplies during a disaster, search for open Red Cross shelters by address, city, state, and/or zip code. ... Details >

American Red Cross, National Headquarters  External Link

Safe and Well List  External Link

If you have been affected by a disaster, post a "safe and well message" that your loved ones can view, or search for loved ones who have registered.... Details >

American Red Cross, National Headquarters  External Link

Frequently Asked Questions: Tsunamis

Find answers to questions about Tsunamis, rapid and large ocean waves frequently caused by underwater earthquakes.... Details >

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

Natural Hazards Gateway

Learn about the seven natural hazards facing the Nation — earthquakes, floods, hurricanes, landslides, tsunamis, volcanoes, and wildfires — and how USGS science helps mitigate disasters and build resi... Details >

U.S. Geological Survey


Learn about Tsunamis and how a natural disaster can effect your health. Find helpful information on food and water safety and response and cleanup after a Tsunami. ... Details >

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services