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Architectural Barriers Act Enforcement This program assists individuals subject to discrimination on the basis of disability within the domain of Federally assisted programs....
Assistance for Indian Children with Severe Disabilities The purpose of the program is to provide special education and related services to Native American children with severe disabilities, in accordance with the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA)....
Assistance in Puerto Rico, U.S. Virgin Islands, and Guam The Adult Programs in the Territories provide monthly cash payments eligible to financially deprived aged, blind and disabled persons in Guam, Puerto Rico, and the US Virgin Islands. These payments help...
Christopher and Dana Reeve Paralysis Resource Center The Christopher and Dana Reeve Paralysis Resource Center (PRC) promotes the health and well-being of people living with paralysis and their families by providing comprehensive information resources and...
Client Assistance Program (CAP) The Client Assistance Program (CAP) was established to advise and inform clients, client applicants, and other individuals with disabilities of all the available services and benefits under the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended, and of the servi...
Clothing Allowance The clothing allowance reimburses you if, because of a service-connected condition, your clothing gets permanently damaged by a prosthetic or orthopedic appliance you wear or a prescribed medication you use on your skin....
Coal Mine Workers' Compensation The Black Lung Benefits Act provides monthly cash benefits and medical benefits to coal miners who have become totally disabled due to pneumoconiosis, and monthly cash benefits to widows and other survi...
Combat-Related Special Compensation (CRSC) The Combat-Related Special Compensation (CRSC) program was enacted by Congress on 2 December 2002. The CRSC program provides compensation for eligible MILITARY retirees with combat-related disabilities. The Army CRSC program is operated by the Army H...
Disabled Veterans Outreach Program (DVOP) Disabled Veterans Outreach Program (DVOP) specialists provide intensive services to meet the employment needs of disabled veterans and other eligible veterans, with the maximum emphasis directed toward serving those who are economically or educationa...
Early Intervention Program for Infants and Toddlers with Disabilities Each state receives money to help parents identify if their infant or toddler (birth through age two) is disabled. If a child is found to be experiencing any sort of developmental delay (cognitive, physical, communication, social, emotional or self-h...
Federal Retiree Benefits The Office of Personnel Management (OPM) offers Federal Retirees and retirement-eligible Federal Employees an online site to find general and personal information about retirement benefits, and to make changes concerning federal annuity payments. ...
Former Worker Medical Screening Program (FWP) The Former Worker Program (FWP) identifies, notifies, and makes medical screening services available, at no cost, to the more than 600,000 former employees who have worked in the weapons complex during the past 60-plus years for the Department of Ene...
Independent Living Services for Older Individuals Who Are Blind Independent living services for older blind persons aims to support individuals aged 55 or older, whose recent visual impairment makes competitive employment extremely difficult to obtain, but for whom independent living goals are feasible. The goal ...
Longshore and Harbor Workers' Compensation Enacted in 1927, the Longshore and Harbor Workers' Compensation Act (LHWCA) compensates for lost wages, medical benefits, and rehabilitation services to longshore, harbor and other maritime workers who ...
National Center on Physical Activity and Disability The National Center of Physical Activity and Disability (NCPAD) is an on-line resource for research and practice information in the area of health promotion and physical activity for persons with disabi...
National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped The National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped (NLS), Library of Congress administers a free national library program of braille and recorded materials for blind and physically ...
National Limb Loss Information Center The National Limb Loss Information Center is located at the Amputee Coalition of America in Knoxville, TN. The Center encompasses three major project areas: 1) Operation of a nat...
Non-Discrimination in Federally Assisted and Conducted Programs (On the Basis of Disability) The program is designed to prohibit discrimination on the basis of disability in programs or activities receiving Federal financial assistance. ...
Protection and Advocacy of Individual Rights The Program of Protection and Advocacy of Individual Rights provides grants for states to support systems for protection and advocacy for the rights of individuals with disabilities who are ineligible for services from the Protection and Advocacy for...
Social Security Disability Insurance Benefits This benefit is paid to people who meet the following requirements: Have earned enough Social Security credits Are unable to work because of a disability that has lasted or will last for at least 12 months or end in death. ...
Special Education - National Activities - Parent Information Centers The Special Education Parent Training and Information (PTI) Centers Program ensures that children with disabilities, and parents of children with disabilities: Receive training and information on their rights and protections under the Individual...
Supplemental Security Income (SSI) To qualify for this benefit program, you must meet the following requirements: Be at least age 65 Be blind or disabled Have limited income and assets Meet additional requirements ...
TRIO Student Support Services The Student Support Services (SSS) program provides support services to low-income students, first generation college students, and disabled students enrolled in post-secondary education programs. Eligible students may receive (among other services) ...
Tax Help for People with Disabilities The program provides tax relief for disabled individual taxpayers....
The Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation Program Act (EEOICPA) The EEOICPA includes two separate benefit programs: Part B and Part E. Part B of the EEOICPA provides eligible employees or survivors with lump-sum compensation up to $150,000, a...
The National Emergency Family Registry and Locator System The National Emergency Family Registry and Locator System (NEFRLS) helps reunite families separated by a disaster. It allows displaced individuals to register and provide information about their current location and situation, and then allows them to...
VA - Birth Defects Assistance - Health Care - Children of Women Vietnam Veterans Health Care Program The program covers most healthcare services and supplies that are medically or psychologically necessary for the treatment of conditions related to the covered birth defect. Veteran Affairs (VA) can also reimburse expenses for travel to and from y...
VA - Birth Defects Assistance - Health Care - Spina Bifida Health Care Program The program covers most healthcare services and supplies that are medically or psychologically necessary for the treatment of conditions related to spina bifida. VA can also re...
VA - Birth Defects Assistance - Payments for Children with Spina Bifida whose Parents Served in Vietnam or Korea Spina Bifida patients who are natural children of Vietnam and Korea veterans may be eligible for a monthly monetary allowance. The allowance is paid at three different levels, depending on how severe the disability is. Please note: If you want...
VA - Birth Defects Assistance - Vocational Training for Children with Spina Bifida or Other Birth Defects VA provides a Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment program for natural children diagnosed with spina bifida (except spina bifida occulta) born to certain Vietnam veterans. This program enables a qualified child to prepare for and attain suitab...
VA - Grant - Automobiles and Adaptive Equipment for Disabled Veterans and Servicemembers There is a one-time payment by VA of not greater than $11,000 toward the purchase of an automobile or other transportation. VA also pays for adaptive equipment, or for repair, replacement, and reinstallation of automobile equipment required because o...
VA - Health Care - Basic Medical Benefits Package for Veterans Veterans Medical Care Benefits provide outpatient medical services, hospital care, medicines, and supplies to eligible Veterans. To receive health care, Veterans generally must be enrolled in the VA health system. They may apply for enrollment at any...
VA - Health Care - Domiciliary Care Domiciliary Residential Rehabilitation Treatment Programs care for a wide range of problems. A veteran's needs might be in any of the following areas- Medical Psychiatric Vocational Educational Social Treatment and rehabilita...
VA - Health Care - Home Based Primary Care VA Home Based Primary Care is a unique home care program that provides comprehensive, interdisciplinary, primary care in the homes of veterans with complex medical, social, and behavioral conditions for whom routine clinic-based care is not effective...
VA - Health Care - Nursing Home Care Nursing home care can be provided in VA or private nursing homes for veterans who are in need of care, but are not acutely ill and not in need of hospital care. Priority is given to veterans with service-connected disabilities. If space and resou...
VA - Health Care - Respite Care VA medical centers can give the veteran's care-giver (family member or friend) a "break" by taking over the veteran's care for a limited time. VA medical centers may provide respite care to an eligible veteran for up to 30 days in a calendar year....
VA - Health Care - Services and Aids for Blind Veterans VA provides personal and social adjustment programs and medical or health-related services for eligible blinded veterans at selected VA Medical Centers maintaining blind rehabilitation centers. Assistance comes in many forms. Services include trai...
VA - Health Care - Veterans Prosthetic Appliances VA provides medically prescribed prosthetic and sensory aids to eligible veterans. These aids include artificial limbs, hearing aids, communication aids, eyeglasses, orthopedic braces and shoes, wheelchairs, crutches and canes. If you need a prost...
VA - Life Insurance - Supplemental Service Disabled Veterans Insurance (Supplemental S-DVI) The Veterans' Benefits Act of 1992, provided for $20,000 of supplemental life insurance coverage to S-DVI policyholders.  Premiums may not be waived on this supplemental coverage....
VA - Survivor's Payments - Death Pension Death pension is a benefit paid to eligible dependents (surviving spouse and/or child) of deceased wartime veterans whose deaths were not related to military service....
VA - Veterans Pension for Non-Service-Connected Disability The Veterans' Pension for Non-Service-Connected Disability is a benefit paid to wartime veterans with limited income who are no longer able to work....
VA - Veterans' Compensation for Service-Connected Disabilities VA Disability Compensation is a monthly payment that varies in proportion to the degree of disability. Rates for veterans with dependents may be higher. The benefits are tax-free....
VA - Vocational Rehabilitation - Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment Services for Veterans with Disabilities Vocational Rehabilitation & Employment is an employment-oriented program that helps veterans with compensable service-connected disabilities to prepare for, find, and keep suitable jobs. For veterans with compensable service-connected disabil...
Vocational Rehabilitation Services Projects for American Indians with Disabilities The purpose of this program is to assist tribal governments to develop or to increase their capacity to provide a program of vocational rehabilitation (VR) services, in a culturally relevant manner, to American Indians with disabilities residing on o...