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Check out 's graphic on smartphone ownership- smartphones are now more prevalent than basic mobile phones

Mark your calendars, it's 1 week until National Gay Men's HIV/AIDS Awareness Day, September 27!

Newly published study finds heterosexually transmitted HIV strains often resemble original infecting virus

Developers! Version 1.0.2 of the HIV Service Provider Locator API is out. We can't wait to see what you come up with

Eyes on the road does not equal mind on the road. Make sure new media is not a source of distracted driving

20+ events are happening across the country today for National HIV/ Awareness Day. Is there one near you?

We have a page about living with HIV as you age. Share as you observe National HIV/ Awareness Day today

This year’s Natl HIV/ Awareness Day (9/18) theme is "Aging is a part of life; HIV doesn’t have to be!”

Don't let social media put you in danger while driving. Keep your eyes and your mind on the road.:

. Kali Lindsey urges the attendees to address stigma and urge people to get tested and to get into care.

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