Nancy Pelosi

Nancy Pelosi


Democratic Leader, focused on strengthening America's middle class and creating jobs; mother, grandmother, dark chocolate connoisseur.

San Francisco & DC ·

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As I told , we must win debate on Medicare. If we don't, seniors will be left to mercy of insurance companies.

San Francisco is America's Best City! I've always known that, but now, Bloomberg's Businessweek makes it official.

MT ‏ Right to vote is precious, almost sacred. People fought for it, bled for it, died for it. Honor their sacrifice.

. Sec. Vilsack: House GOP leaders had support to pass farm bill but delayed vote so they can make deeper cuts.

Congrats for expanding right to vote to millions of eligible Californians. Other states should follow!

Because of the Affordable Care Act, the average Medicare beneficiary will save $5,000 through 2022.

House Democratic leaders just sent this letter to Speaker Boehner: Don’t go home until we get the job done!

Ds believe in reigniting American Dream + building ladders of opportunity. Romney wants to take his ladder + walk away.

Many of the people Gov. Romney is talking about who don't pay taxes include thousands of millionaires not paying taxes.

Gov. Romney's comments are false and demeaning to people who've paid into Social Security and Medicare.

House GOP + Gov. Romney tearing down ladders of opportunity, placing American Dream out of reach for middle class.

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