Welcome to the Genome Statute and Legislation Database

Legislative session. Courtesy: Hawaii.gov
The database is comprised of state statutes and bills introduced during the 2007-2010 state legislative sessions. The database focuses on statutes and bills that address employment nondiscrimination, insurance nondiscrimination and privacy issues.

Searchable topics in the database include "Employment Nondiscrimination," "Health Insurance Nondiscrimination," "Other Lines of Insurance Nondiscrimination," "Privacy Issues," and "Research Issues." Statutes and bills are identified under the topic "Research Issues" when the text of laws or legislation specifically mentions research. The topic "Research Issues" is not intended to provide a complete understanding of state statutes and bills that may affect research activities, and laws and legislation that do not address research specifically may have broad provisions relevant to researchers.

Please note that the summaries do not constitute legal advice and are not intended to provide a full understanding of state laws and legislation.

Follow the links to state resources in the citation column of the search results to access the full text of statutes and bills. Enter the citation from the search results into the browser or search engine provided on the linked webpage to view the text. Because provisions of nondiscrimination and privacy laws often interrelate, both topics should be reviewed in order to obtain a more complete picture of the legal landscape in a particular state. The database does not include state statutes and bills that do not address genetic privacy generally but may contain provisions on privacy of and research use of genetic information with respect to specific issues, such as state DNA databases, newborn screening programs and birth defects registries.

(Performs an open-text search of the title and summary fields; a single word usually works best. No quotes or special characters.)


Search Tips
  • You may select one or more from each box; hold down your "Ctrl" key and click to select multiple.
  • Selecting all the choices inside any one box will, by default, return every record in the database.
  • The keyword search, by default, combines with all other selections and may result in too narrow a filter. If searching by keywords, it is best not to select from any other boxes at first, then progressively narrow down your result if necessary.
  • Please contact us if you have any questions, comments or suggestions regarding our database!


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Last Reviewed: May 11, 2010
