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HUD   >   Program Offices   >   Community Planning and Development   >   Homeless Assistance   >   Homeless Management Information Systems (HMIS)

Homeless Management Information Systems (HMIS)

HUD has been directed by Congress to work with jurisdictions to gather homeless data by 2004. The following reports and materials provide communities with valuable direction and technical assistance resources on strategies to collect information on homeless persons.

HMIS Technical Assistance/Program Materials

HUD has technical assistance products that are available to assist Continuums of Care and grantees in the implementation and operation of HMIS systems. The HMIS Implementation Guide, HMIS Consumer Guide and other HUD HMIS program policy materials are available.

HMIS Local Implementation

HMIS implementation presents communities with an opportunity to re-examine how homeless services are provided in their community, and to make informed decisions, and develop appropriate action steps. Because the implementation of HMIS systems varies from community to community, examples of local implementation covering the community planning process, software selection and implementation are available from a variety of communities.

Congressional Directive/HUD Strategy

Congress has indicated that jurisdictions should be collecting an array of data on homelessness, including unduplicated counts, use of services and the effectiveness of the local homeless assistance system. HUD has been directed by Congress to collect homeless data by 2004.