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You are hereHome > 30th Anniversary Minority Enterprise Development Week Conference

30th Anniversary Minority Enterprise Development Week Conference

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Event Date and Time: 
12/05/2012 (All day) - 12/06/2012 (All day)


Job Creation in America: Build it Here—Sell it Everywhere

Dec 5-6, 2012Washington, DC

We look forward to seeing you in Washington, DC! Be sure to check the latest schedule and the event details.

We are excited about the great opportunity to once again convene the Minority Business Enterprises (MBEs) and MBDA clients and partners, as well as the general business community, to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the National Minority Enterprise Development (MED) Week. This milestone celebration is being organized and coordinated in a manner befitting its place in history. However, due to circumstances beyond our control, MBDA is rescheduling the 2012 National MED Week Conference to December 5-6, 2012 in Washington, D.C.

We are working quickly to launch MED Week’s registration and anticipate it will be up and running in early October. At this time, we are very confident that this MED WEEK event will be an informative, engaging and an excellent vehicle for MBEs, local officials and federal partners to come together and help ensure continued access to finance, contracts and markets. This year’s MED Week Agenda will offer attendees a host of very valuable opportunities to network, partner and identify contracting opportunities. MED Week attendees can look forward to a Billion Dollar B2B Expo, a CEO Fireside Chat, embassy networking events, and power learning sessions. Take a look at the schedule at a glance.

We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience this may cause our partners and conference attendees.

Visit event website.

Did you know...

The percentage of clients with annual revenues in excess of $500,000 increased over the last five fiscal years.
Graph for MBDA Client Portfolio made up by SGI Clients

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