Your Call

Your Call

Peace Out to Buts


Nearly 70 percent of smokers want to quit smoking, but…


If you really want to quit doing something, stop making excuses and do it! Success means getting your BUT out of the way. So say peace out to your BUT(S) once and for all by writing your excuse(s) on your index and middle fingers, striking a pose, snapping a picture, and posting it to our Smokefree Teen Facebook page. Making a public statement helps hold you and others accountable and increases the likelihood of successfully quitting. So show us your BUTS!


Really want to make a statement? Make your BUT your profile picture so your friends and family members can help keep your on track.


*There are a few rules: Smokefree Teen reserves the right to remove photos that are discriminatory, racist, offensive, obscene, inflammatory, unlawful, or otherwise objectionable statements, language or content; contain nudity; contain pro-smoking or pro-tobacco content; or are deemed otherwise inappropriate by NCI.