Teachers@ED: Steven Hicks, Special Assistant for Early Learning

Steven Hicks speaking with children in a classroom.

Steven Hicks, special assistant for early learning, spent the day shadowing a kindergarten teacher at Oyster-Adams bilingual school in DC as part of "ED Goes Back to School" during Teacher Appreciation Week in May. Official Department of Education photo by Joshua Hoover.

Teaching is in Steven Hicks’ blood. Almost everyone in his immediate family – including his mother, father, and all of his seven younger sisters – has either taught or teaches today. And Hicks is no exception.

 “I didn’t decide I wanted to be a teacher until I actually went and substitute taught,” says Hicks of his decision to pursue a career in early childhood education. According to Hicks, he realized he has a gift for teaching during the 6th grade when a teacher let him lead the entire class in a theater activity. That moment of trust in his ability to convey learning to his peers was “one of those pivotal moments where I thought I was probably going to be a teacher,” he explains.

Teachers@ED LogoHicks grew up in Fresno, California as the oldest child of a large family. After graduating from UC Santa Cruz and working a few other jobs, Hicks took a substitute teaching position with a third grade class in South Central Los Angeles. The principal of the school was so thrilled to see Hicks return for a second day – something the other substitutes had failed to do – that she rushed to the district office to help expedite Hick’s credentials so he could remain in the classroom.

Hicks went on to earn a Masters degree in Early Childhood from California State University in LA. In 1999, he completed the arduous process to become certified by the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards. The effort was well worth it. “The most rewarding part of teaching is being able to see that moment when a child discovers that she learned something new and that satisfaction and confidence that you see on her face and in her eyes,” explains Hicks.

In 2008, and with 20 years of classroom experience, Hicks joined the Department of Education as a Teaching Ambassador Fellow during the program’s inaugural year, which spanned over two Administrations: Bush and Obama.  He worked first in the Charter School Office and later, when the Obama Administration came in, under Barbara Bowman, Secretary Duncan’s Consultant on Early Learning. At the end of his fellowship, Hicks joined ED’s full-time staff as a Special Assistant and now works in the Office of Early Learning under Deputy Assistant Secretary Jacqueline Jones.

“Every day I work to promote early learning – and that’s birth to third grade – as a priority in the department,” Hicks explains as what he does for ED on a daily basis. As for his lengthy teaching experience, he says it gives him a strong foundation for the work he’s doing. “I use my experience as a teacher and as a member of an educational community to put in the right evidence, to suggest the right elements, to know how what we were doing at the federal level was going to affect students and the families and the teachers that are affected by the policies that we make here,” he says.

And although Hicks’ day job can be time-consuming, he isn’t done with the classroom just yet. Once a week during lunchtime, Hicks visits DC’s Amidon Elementary through the Everybody Wins program, where he mentors Tremar, a fourth grade student he’s been reading to for two years. “It’s nice to be able to get into the school once a week and work directly with the students we’re trying to help here at ED,” says Hicks.

Hicks has come a long way since he took that first teaching job back in 1988 in South Central LA, and although he’s had to learn from his mistakes over the years, he still believes teaching has been one of the most fulfilling and joyful aspects of his life. “It’s so cliché to say ‘Oh, it’s so rewarding,’ but it really is,” says Hicks. “I think there are few jobs where you get to see that and affect so many lives directly.”

Alexandra Strott is a student at Middlebury College and an intern in ED’s Office of Communications and Outreach

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4 Responses to Teachers@ED: Steven Hicks, Special Assistant for Early Learning

  1. Sheryl Morris says:

    More needs to be done to recognize what the more “holistic” educational methods would bring to the efforts of the U.S. Department of Education. Dismissing what they do in Montessori, Waldorf, or Reggio Emelia schools is to disregard what is key to current research in brain development. When parents have the financial means they seek out schools such as these for their own children. It is time “whole child” education is available to all families, rich and poor. See National Center for Montessori in the Public Sector if you are interested in finding a public Montessori school near you.

  2. Lee says:

    Doing some research…and wanted to know:
    1. Are there leaders in education today who promote and teach K-12 students: how to innovate to change our world for the better? I am seeking curriculum being taught.

  3. John Ross says:

    Excellent work

    • Carolyn says:

      I read your story. I really enjoyed it. The information was well taken so much I would like to know what I can do to futher my education.I have a degree in early childhood and 18 hours into my maters but have not taken the teacher’s certification test but would like to be able to help children and families .l know there is something I can do other than teach in the classroom. Your story has really helped me.

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