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Sixth Meeting: October 15, 2008

Secretary's Advisory Committee on
National Health Promotion and Disease Prevention Objectives for 2020

Approval of the Phase I Report to the Secretary,
and Planning for Phase II

Via WebEx

Sixth Meeting: October 15, 2008

Committee Recommendations (Approval by Vote)

  • Approve the Phase I Report to the Secretary with minor revisions, as discussed. (9 in favor, 4 absent)

Next Steps: Finalizing and Distributing the Phase I Report

  • Dr. Remington will send edits of the mission statement to the Committee Chair and Vice-Chair.
  • Dr. Manderscheid will send specific examples of multi-sectoral partners to the Committee Chair and Vice-Chair.
  • Dr. Fielding and Dr. Kumanyika (Committee Chair and Vice Chair) will integrate Committee members' revisions into the final report and submit it to ODPHP.
  • ODPHP will submit the Committee’s Phase I report to the Secretary of Health and Human Services. The report will be released to the public 30 days later.
  • During the 30-day embargo period, ODPHP will ensure that the report is in compliance with 508(c) regulations to ensure its accessibility, and NORC will prepare a set of summary PowerPoint slides.
  • ODPHP has a list of organizations that will be sent copies of the report (the Healthy People listserv). The Advisory Committee members may add organizations to the list.

 Next Steps: Beginning the Committee’s Work for Phase II

  • ODPHP will prepare a briefing memo summarizing the FIW’s upcoming needs for the Committee’s advice.
  • ODPHP will provide a briefing memo on the FIW’s proposed selection criteria for Healthy People objectives.
  • A new subcommittee on System Specifications will convene to produce a briefing paper outlining specifications for producing Healthy People 2020 as a Web-accessible database.
  • ODPHP will invite NCHS to provide a presentation on data issues at the January meeting.
  • Dr. Remington will lead Committee’s efforts to provide guidance to states. ODPHP will share early findings from the Healthy People User Study with him to support this work.
  • Dr. Remington will share with Committee members a current project that includes a draft review of 350 interventions intended to address the determinants of health and reduce health disparities.
  • NORC will produce briefing papers on target-setting and evidence-based implementation strategies.
  • NORC will produce draft agendas for the Committee’s next meetings (December 17, 2008 and January 7-8, 2009) and will send them to the Committee Chair and Vice-Chair for review.

I.  Introductory Remarks

RADM Penelope Slade Royall, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Health, Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, and Director of the Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion (ODPHP), welcomed the audience. The Advisory Committee had been engaged in extensive deliberation since January, 2008, and she noted that the leadership of the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is eager to receive the Committee’s Phase I report and recommendations. The Federal Interagency Workgroup (FIW) has been finishing its recommendations for key elements of Healthy People 2020, which it will transmit to the HHS Secretary before the end of the year. RADM Royall introduced the Committee’s Chair, Dr. Jonathan Fielding.

II.  Desired Outcomes of the Meeting

Dr. Fielding explained that the main purposes of the meeting would be to:

  1. provide an overview of how the report has evolved since the Committee members last reviewed it;
  2. offer an opportunity for final discussion of the draft before it is approved and submitted to the Secretary;
  3. vote on approval of the report with any final revisions, and
  4. begin discussion of the Committee’s charge for Phase II.

III.  Overview of Final Draft, Phase I Report

Reorganization of Content

Dr. Fielding explained that the report had been significantly reorganized since the members had last reviewed it. Initial drafts had been prepared by knitting together the separate deliverables of the subcommittees. These drafts explained the Committee’s recommendations, cross-cutting themes, and background on the Healthy People initiative. The second draft also included an executive summary that presented a broad-brush overview of the framework, which was detailed in the main body of the report.1

To streamline Draft 3 and improve the report’s readability, sections of text (e.g., the timeline for the Committee’s work, past processes for developing objectives, past challenges, and a summary of feedback from the Healthy People 2010 User Study) were moved to appendices. A detailed explanation of the Advisory Committee’s recommendations for the form and framework of Healthy People 2020 was provided; beneath each goal, an explanation was provided of what that goal is about and how it is to be accomplished. There had been numerous small revisions to the document, but Dr. Fielding said the Committee’s discussion should focus on significant revisions. He added that the Committee recently received comments from Dr. Michael McGinnis, who was involved in the first three Healthy People iterations; these comments would be discussed.

  1. Draft 2 of the report had been distributed to Committee members and external reviewers via email on September 12, 2008. Their comments were due to NORC staff one week later. Dr. Fielding and Dr. Kumanyika worked with NORC staff to revise the document in order to address members’ and reviewers’ comments and suggestions.
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