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  1. Administrative Operations Service image
    Rate: $0.00


    The Payroll Contact Center manages all aspects of payroll-related customer service and offers customer agencies centralized payroll liaison and advocacy between employees and the Defense Finance and Accounting Service (DFAS).

The Payroll Services Division (PSD) offers centralized and affordable payroll liaison and advocacy services with a focus on customer needs and exceptional service. As liaison, PSD manages all aspects of payroll customer services between the Defense Finance and Accounting Service (DFAS) and customer agencies on all pay-related issues. These issues include pay policy, employee pay records, and supporting systems.

Services offered include:

  • Oversight of payroll service requests from agencies and Human Resource Centers
  • Oversight of the biweekly time and attendance process
  • Coordination of agencies’ payroll activities with DFAS
  • Provision of direction, technical assistance, and standard operating procedures for payroll liaisons and others who input data or use output from personnel and payroll systems
  • Diagnosis of problems and devising of solutions to systemic problems and inefficiencies related to payroll payments of agency employees
  • Provision of information and resolution of audit-related issues and findings
  • Monitoring of DFAS performance against the Service Level Agreement

Offered to:

    Available to all federal agencies and departments serviced by DFAS


99% of civilian employees will be paid accurately and on time each pay period.

95% of all Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT)/Check Return requests will be interfaced to DFAS within three (3) business days.

90% of all Special Pay requests will be interfaced to DFAS within two (2) business days.

Average time to resolve all pay/leave issues will be 10 business days or less from the time of receipt.


    $142.63 per W-2 plus agreed-upon actual costs for special initiatives


    301-504-3301; hhspayliaisonandadvocacy@hhs.gov

Additional Resources

    Payroll Letters