Office of Budget

The Office of Budget serves as a one-stop shop for reporting EERE budget activities, coordinating budget formulation, execution and performance management activities. The office tracks current and historical funding, responds to inquiries from Congress, the Office of Management and Budget, and the CFO, prepares Congressional briefings, coordinates budget submissions, and guides the development of justification narrative, financial exhibits and other documents.

The Office of Budget is organized into teams that perform the following functions:

Budget Formulation

The Office of Budget facilitates corporateĀ budget formulation through strategic principles and portfolio analysis. The Office leads EERE's work in preparing the budget-in-brief, the budget request presentation, and testimony to Congress regarding the budget. See the breakdown of the current fiscal year's Congressional budget request, and search our database of budget figures from past fiscal years.

Budget Execution

The Office providesĀ budget execution support for program managers and EERE organizations, ranging from budget-document processing to providing financial data entry.

Financial Reports

This area of the Office of Budget does the following:

  • Reconciles financial data monthly to ensure accuracy, transparency, and total accountability
  • Prepares monthly and ad hoc Status-of-Funds reports
  • Conducts budget forums with EERE programs, CFO, and field offices to share information and share best practices
  • Presents budget reports and analyses to senior staff
  • Complies with CFO, Office of Management and Budget (OMB), and Congressional reporting requirements
  • Manages and executes the Program Direction budget

Program Performance Management

The Office of Budget takes an active role in measuring and monitoring the performance of EERE's major programs. Performance measurement tracks measurable results against a planned results timeline—quarterly milestones, annual technical targets, etc.—or accomplishment of defined procedural steps or milestones. The timeframe of these metrics might persist over several years, determining whether a midterm goal has been achieved. Performance measurement helps to answer the question: "Did you achieve what you said you would achieve?" EERE also takes an active role in evaluating its projects and programs to document "realized" impacts, examine what works and what does not work, and identify best practices to apply to programs. In combination with performance measurement, program evaluation enable EERE programs to effectively and efficiently management our public investments. Learn more about these aspects of the EERE's program performance management and evaluation activities:


If you have questions about or would like more information on EERE's Office of Budget, please contact:

Office of Budget
EE-3B / Forrestal Building
U.S. Department of Energy
1000 Independence Avenue, SW
Washington, D.C. 20585-0121

Phone: 202-586-8302