Strategic Analysis

The Strategic Analysis team provides an objective and credible analysis underpinning for EERE. We take a portfolio-wide perspective to inform EERE policy development and program implementation. EERE uses our products and tools to effectively allocate resources, evaluate investment trade-off decisions and identify missed opportunities. We perform market and economic analysis, evaluate past performance and economic benefits of EERE activities, and provide a variety of other analytical services.

Strategic Analysis works with EERE's 11 unique programs as well as external experts to deliver:

  • Technology Characterization and Data Management: Provide a consistent analysis platform across all EERE programs to enable impartial technology evaluation. Develop methodologies to evaluate impacts that cut across technologies and economic sectors, including materials and lifecycles, technologies, and systems, their manufacture and use. Assess potential technology development pathways and risks. Collect, maintain, and strategically share data on markets, cost estimates, and technology performance.
  • Markets and Systems Intelligence: Gather reconnaissance on market conditions necessary to reach national objectives, including non-cost barriers, infrastructure requirements, market and policy influences.
  • Energy Systems Modeling: Evaluate energy markets and systems in order to explore long-term pathways for how energy efficiency and renewable energy can contribute to meeting national economic, security, and environmental and energy goals.
  • Impacts Estimation and Verification: Estimate specific and economy-wide benefits of the EERE portfolio, inform investment trade-off decisions, and assess missed opportunities.

EERE established the Energy Analysis website to help energy experts and policymakers access energy analysis products related to renewable energy and energy efficiency. The website features the results of our efforts as well as products and resources from across the EERE and national laboratory energy analysis community, including published analyses, energy data and maps, and analysis tools such as models, software, and calculators.