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What are RSS feeds?

“RSS” stands for “Real Simple Syndication.” RSS feeds are a way to distribute online content such as blog entries, news headlines, and podcasts. With an RSS feed, you subscribe to a particular website and automatically receive updates via email or a news reader.

You can use RSS feeds to stay updated about new content from many different websites and organizations. You can also use RSS feeds to share news and updates from your organization with clients and colleagues.

Some common RSS readers include GoogleReader Exit Disclaimer, NetVibes Exit Disclaimer, and Bloglines Exit Disclaimer. Tools that will allow you to receive RSS feeds via email include Feedblitz Exit Disclaimer, and ZapTXT Exit Disclaimer.

RSS feeds in response to HIV

  • Receive updates on breaking news about HIV prevention, testing, treatment, and research.
  • Provide notifications about HIV-related events and activities.

Examples from the field

One Pagers

RSS Feeds (PDF - 606 KB)

RSS Feeds - One Page PDF

A one page reference regarding RSS feeds, what they are, and how they are being used in the fight against HIV/AIDS.

Last revised: 06/05/2012