Sun, Oct 21, 2012, 1:16 PM EDT - U.S. Markets closed

After Wasting $5 Billion, the Army Is Eyeing These New Camouflage Patterns

(Wikipedia)Earlier this summer we wrote: "The U.S. Marine Corps has long been known for doing more with less; smaller, more agile, and quick to react, it actually employed that ability when hunting for new uniforms in 2002.

Erik German at The Daily tells the story of the Marines and the Army's uniform selections, mentioning a conversation he had with a textile technologist that shows the Marines flexibility and the Army's cumbersome bureaucracy.

The Marines went to their sniper school at Quantico, Va., and told a couple of their guys to find a good camouflage color for the new uniform pattern. A group of snipers went to the local Home Depot and found the main base color in the Ralph Lauren section of the paint department. The color now called Coyote Brown went into the pattern of their very successful and well-loved MARPAT uniform pattern.

This was also around the time the Army was sending its troops to Iraq with uniforms and body armor in a variety of mismatched patterns that, in effect, left U.S. soldiers wearing a target for the enemy to fire upon.

Bedder explains that in response to this and the Marines new uniforms, the general in charge of Army uniform procurement told his staff to pick a color before trials were finished.

Five billion dollars, eight years later, and the Army is now doing the whole thing again. Over the next 12 months 1.1 million soldiers will be replacing their uniforms for something called Multicam.

Hopefully this will work out better for troops, and won't have to be replaced again in a handful of years."

Now see what direction that new camo may take.

You just see the big picture and camo helps to confuse the eye

Kryptek demonstrates its concealment capability (Kryptek/Jim Kinsey)Except there's someone with a weapon.

Color schemes are chosen to mimic natural surroundings.

It's best that colors are contrasted with dark and light shades so that the wearer blends into the natural reflections and shadows we're used to seeing.

Pixels disrupt what you see and break up straight lines that did not occur in nature

ADS woodland pattern simulated (ADS, Inc./Guy Cramer)Digital patterns re-create shapes found in nature, known as fractals, which we see as mere background noise.

Pixels break up the fabric into a macropattern and a micropattern, so the design doesn't appear as a solid block. Even when picked up by infrared technology, the human form is broken up and its movements are masked.

3-D Layering tricks your brain by creating depth and shadows where there may be none and refusing to allow an image to form

ADS entry for desert camouflage. Pattern simulated. (ADS, Inc./Guy Cramer)We interpret gradients and layers of color as a textured surface with depth. In this case, the desert.

ADS explains that the brain is deceived into regarding the fabric as part of the natural environment, rather than a solid flat surface.

Science and shadows do their part by bleeding out camo light to dark into backgrounds and help personnel blend better through patterns of light

A Kryptek pattern called Nomad selected by the Army for testing (Kryptek)Kryptek's example of 3-D layering features two levels: shading in the background and sharp random shapes in the foreground.

A light-reflecting gradient helps creates a three-dimensional illusion that blends into natural terrain.

There is no better designer than someone who stood out wearing bad camo — good hard R&D thinking goes on in the field

(Kryptek/Jim Kinsey)And active-duty soldiers will be field testing the Phase IV entries. The Army will then weigh the benefits and costs of adopting new camouflage.

Kryptek says their designs are made for the battlefield and the backcountry alike, so troops and civilians can both take note.

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    • Dean  •  3 days ago
      and by the way camouflage uniforms are not meant to completely hid a soldier, just less visible. it is not a ghillie suit
    • Walter  •  23 days ago
      All I had, was to close the top button of my shirt to cover white t-shirt. How times have changed!
    • Chester  •  22 days ago
      $5 billion over 8 years comes to over $1.7 million PER DAY for 8 years.




      To pick out uniforms.

      How is that even possible?

      Just remember this when someone complains about cutting defense spending.
    • VoteOutTheClown  •  23 days ago
      Can you find obama in Washington?
    • seadog  •  23 days ago
      lower left sticks out like a sore thumb. gamer skills
    • Slit the Wrist  •  23 days ago
      Gee, it was easy to spot these guys in the fotos, and the problem with the US military, they can't keep their damn mouths shut and expose all their tactics for a dumb a z z Yahoo story. Sometimes it's better to keep some things on the downlow/secret and not expose it for the enemy to learn on what to look out for.
    • JupiterOne  •  23 days ago
      In real-world combat, the riffle will also be camouflaged by-the-way.
      - A US Army officer currently deployed in Kandahar, Afghanistan
    • Valo  •  23 days ago
      I found him rather quickly. Kinda easily when he's human shaped amongst a bunch of jagged rocks.
    • Dan  •  23 days ago
      took less than 5 seconds
    • Dave S  •  23 days ago
      Has anyone seen the camouflage abilities of the octopus? They are unbelievable. Look it up on youtube.
    • KABORE  •  23 days ago
      Oh that's awesome; I can see him laying on his back peeing in the air; he thinks nobody sees him
    • Jerry  •  23 days ago
      I saw him right off, that was a waste of money!
    • Diego  •  23 days ago
      how can I find him with such a small non-clickable image. Yahoo Fail!
    • marc  •  23 days ago
      Found in seconds
    • Evolve!  •  23 days ago
      Newsflash: Army misplaces fleet of camouflage vehicles.
    • Kathy M  •  23 days ago
      ??? Took me about 2 seconds to spot him. Maybe it was the gun that drew my attention?
    • PTCGAZ  •  23 days ago
      NB in the first picture the soldier is to the right of the big blob of yellow grass, and that is sucky camo. Too easy to spot, I noticed the cacti in the picture first tho. lol
    • Adam  •  23 days ago
      Too much money is spend on our military, too much money we no longer have. Wanna talk about cuts? Then talk about the military, one of the biggest reasons for the debt, as part of those cuts.
    • Al-ChargerSD  •  23 days ago
      OBAMA ! 2012 ! OBAMA ! 2012 ! OBAMA ! 2012 ! OBAMA! 2012!
    • ArtGuy  •  23 days ago
      You're gotta be kidding. I took me one second to spot him!

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