Realizing the Economic Strength of our 21st Century Border Detailed Event Information For Realizing the Economic Strength of our 21st Century Border
Realizing the Economic Strength of our 21st Century Border -- Aircraft/Aircraft Parts, Automotive Parts/Services Eq., Automobile/Light Truck/Vans, Building Products, Chemical Production Machinery, Computer Services, Education/Training Services, General Industrial Eq./Supplies, Machine Tools/Metalworking Eq., Plastics Production Machinery
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Location/Date: Tempe, AZ, United States 09/23/2012 - 09/25/2012
Event Summary:
The U.S.-Mexico border region is one of the most important trade corridors for North American businesses, representing a $460 billion economic relationship between the two countries. The border region represents a critical staging point for U.S. commercial activity with Mexico where approximately 80 percent of U.S. exports pass through or originate in that region. It is, therefore, the key to unlocking the true potential of the U.S.-Mexico relationship.

As a means of facilitating a dialogue that will feed into on going border governors', legislators', mayors' and commissioners' policy making processes, the conference will focus on identifying regional solutions to border related challenges and priorities such as: workforce needs and educational development; trade facilitation and supply chain solutions for cross-border trade; border infrastructure needs and regional border planning; public/private partnership opportunities and new innovative technologies; and identifying cross-border economic development and job creation strategies.

The event is scheduled to take place September 23-25, 2012 at the Fiesta Resort Conference Center in Tempe, Arizona. The first day will include a welcome reception and networking opportunities, and the second day will feature panels and discussions toidentify regional solutions to border related challenges and priorities. The final day will have a mayoral panel on best practices for export promotion.

Anna Flaaten, Phoenix
Senior International Trade Specialist
Phone: 480-884-1673
Colleen Fisher, NAFTA/InterAmerica
International Trade Specialist
Phone: 202-482-3372
Eric Nielsen, Tucson
USEAC Director
Phone: 520-670-5808
Geri Word, NAFTA/InterAmerica
Supervisory International Trade Specialist
Phone: 202-482-1545
Mike Calvert, DAS/WH
International Trade Specialist
Phone: 202-482-7907