Region 6

 map of Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Louisiana, and New Mexico

Areas Served

Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Louisiana, and New Mexico


Welcome to FTA and Region 6.  We are proud of the job being done by FTA and our Regional Office where excellent customer service is a top priority.  The Region serves the Southwest area of the country and includes the states of Texas, New Mexico, Arkansas, Oklahoma and Louisiana.  Organizationally, Region 6 consists of a Regional office in Ft. Worth, Texas.  The total staff complement is 20. We are customer driven, so please feel free to contact us at any time. We look forward to helping you plan, apply, execute, and complete transit projects that enhance the quality of life in your communities.

Historical Data (2008)

Region 6 provided $690,347,455 in federal funding, awarding 320 grants in 2008.  The region manages more than 830 active grants with 126 grantees totalling over $4.45 billion in federal funds.  Current data for each State can be found in the FTA Data Dashboard.

Contact Information

819 Taylor Street
Room 8A36
Fort Worth, TX 76102

Telephone: (817) 978-0550
Fax: (817) 978-0575

click map for directions

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