
FTA evaluates grantee adherence to grant administration requirements through a comprehensive oversight program. FTA’s master agreement, which grantees and FTA sign specifies these requirements. FTA determines compliance through self-certification and/or site visits.

FTA’s 2 major oversight areas are:

  1. Triennial Reviews of grantee receiving Section 5307 Urbanized Area Formula Grants, and
  2. State Management Reviews of grantees receiving Section 5311 Non-Urbanized Area Formula Grants

In addition to these oversight reviews, FTA conducts oversight reviews in specific areas when the grantee is either participating in a special program (e.g. Project Management Oversight reviews for grantees receiving Section 5309 New Starts funding) or is at-risk or out of compliance in a specific area (i.e. procurement systems or financial systems).


Topics of Interest
Oversight Calendar 
State Management Oversight 
Financial Management Oversight 
Procurement Reviews 
Triennial Reviews 
Drug & Alcohol Reviews 
Civil Rights Reviews 
ITS Reviews 
Planning Oversight 
Project Management Oversight (PMO) 
Project Management Oversight (PMO) Lessons Learned