
Web Sites of Interest and Other Resources

NIDA Resources:

Other Websites:

Additional Resources:

  • Definition Tool for AIDS Grants (PDF, 102KB) - This "Definition Tool" was developed to assist NIDA program officials in determining whether a grant application should be considered for funding with AIDS appropriated funds. The Definition Tool is being used by NIDA program officials starting in FY07. The tool was designed to cover all NIDA-relevant AIDS research areas and was developed over the course of a year with input from NIDA staff and NIDA's External Scientific Workgroup. It must be emphasized that this is a tool that begins the process of deciding which grants will be funded with AIDS dollars. Within NIDA, the Director of the AIDS Research Program (ARP) must approve all applications that will be funded with AIDS appropriated funds. The Office of AIDS Research (OAR) at NIH is the ultimate arbiter of whether a grant is appropriate for AIDS funding. An important consideration is that HIV/AIDS research should be integrated throughout the grant application.
  • 10 Fatal Flaws in NIH Grant Submissions - PowerPoint presentation developed by developed by Steffanie A. Strathdee, Ph.D. and Thomas L. Patterson, Ph.D.
  • Rationale for Modifications to the 2001 National Institute on Drug Abuse Policy on Counseling and Testing for HIV/AIDS and other Infectious Diseases (PDF, 111KB)

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