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  • 09 Jan 2013

    Speculative-grade default rate drops again in December

    Our trailing 12-month global speculative-grade default rate came in at 2.6% in the final quarter of 2012, down from 3.2% in the prior quarter and close to our year-ago forecast of 2.9%. A total of 58 Moody's-rated corporate debt issuers defaulted last year, with 10 defaulting in the fourth quarter... Press Release l Full Report
  • 07 Jan 2013

    Oil prices to remain high in 2013, supporting global energy investment

    Prices for crude oil will remain high in 2013, supporting robust investment in energy infrastructure, while for natural gas they will slowly recover from historical lows over the next two years. We expect West Texas Intermediate benchmark crude to sell at a steep discount to Brent crude through the new year due to US transportation bottlenecks, though the differential will gradually decline thereafter... Press Release l Full Report
  • 04 Jan 2013

    SGL Monitor Flash: Liquidity-stress index drops further in December

    Moody’s Liquidity-Stress Index dropped to 3.6% in December from 4.0% in November, indicating that speculative-grade companies are heading into 2013 without widespread liquidity concerns. While weak global economic growth and a slowdown in developing-market growth remain risks, the early cheers from financial markets over the US fiscal-cliff deal suggest a favorable effect on liquidity and market access... Full Report
  • 28 Dec 2012

    US Chartbook: A Year in Review

    The US economy in 2012 was eerily similar to 2011, says Moody’s Analytics. The big difference is the shift in the composition of growth, as manufacturing passed the baton to housing. The housing market began to heal this year, and the conditions are in place for a stronger recovery over the next two years… Full Report
  • 26 Dec 2012

    US Government to reach debt limit soon

    Congress may not act to raise the statutory debt ceiling until a budget agreement is reached and temporary measures for keeping the government running as usual are close to exhausted. Our baseline assumption is that Congress will raise the limit prior to severe expenditure cuts being necessary. Although we may consider a review for downgrade, that may be unnecessary given that the risk of default will likely remain extremely low even if action is delayed… Full Report
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U.S. Public Finance Credit
  • Euro Area Sovereign Crisis & Affected Credits

    Euro area sovereigns continue to be subject to significant market pressure and face economic and policy challenges affecting their credit. Sovereign credit problems affect other issuers in the region. This page provides a centralized source for Moody’s rating actions and research related to sovereigns and other credits affected by the crisis.
  • US Fiscal Outlook

    The Aaa rating of the US government carries a negative outlook, which was assigned primarily due to the rapid increase in federal government debt during the past five years and the uncertain debt trajectory in the medium term. The rating outlook will likely be either moved back to stable or the rating downgraded during the course of 2013, depending on the outcome of budget negotiations at the federal level and a further assessment of the resulting medium-term debt trajectory. This page provides a centralized source for Moody’s research related to credits with both direct and indirect linkages to the U.S. fiscal outlook.
  • Structured Finance: Effect of 2012 Sovereign and Bank Rating Actions

    Find all of our structured finance rating actions and research relating to our sovereign and bank rating actions here.
  • Accounting & Financial Reporting Analysis

    Since its creation in 2002, Moody's Accounting Specialist Group has worked alongside Moody's credit analysts to incorporate accounting, financial reporting and internal control practices more systematically into the credit rating process. The group publishes research comments on issues within its area of expertise which Moody’s believes impact rated issuers’ credit quality. The group also conducts training for Moody’s analysts on relevant financial reporting, accounting and internal control issues which impact ratings. The Accounting Specialist Group is part of broader initiative to bring specialized expertise to Moody’s credit rating process. Along with specialists in accounting, financial reporting and internal controls, Moody’s Enhanced Analytic Group also has specialists with expertise in corporate governance; risk management; and complex financial instruments.
  • Global Macro-Economic & Financial Risk Analysis

    Moody's global macro-economic and financial risk analysis helps credit professionals to "put the pieces together" in order to develop a robust risk management/investment strategy by analyzing early trends, and by uncovering the linkages between the worlds of politics, economics and finance and their impact on credit.
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