Help for You & Your Family

How can I get adoption assistance?
How can I get help finding healthy food for my baby?
What do I need to know about adopting?
Can you help me find child care?
How do I collect child support?
What can I do to prevent child abuse or neglect?
How can I found out about foster care?
Where is the nearest Head Start center?
What is the National Runaway toll-free phone number?

Where can I find help in my community?
Where can I find healthy food?
How do I locate a food bank near me?
What kind of help can I get with rising energy costs?
How can I get involved in my community?

Developmental Disabilities
Where can I get the latest information on disability rights, benefits and services?
Where can I get information on the Help America Vote Act?
Where can I get information on research on developmental disabilities?
Where can I get information on the President’s Committee for People with Intellectual Disabilities?
Where can I get information about Projects of National Significance?
Where can I get information about State Councils on Developmental Disabilities?
Where can I get information about State Protection and Advocacy Systems?

Economic Security
How can I get government benefits and assistance?
What type of assistance can I find in my state?
Where can I get information about government-matched saving accounts?
How can I collect child support?
How can I get a career in demand while on TANF benefits?
What program is available to help low-income people find work?
Where can I get energy assistance?
Who is eligible for TANF benefits?

Emergency Preparedness
Where can I get help after a natural disaster?
How can I prepare myself and my family for an emergency?

How do I apply for Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF)?
Can you help me find child care?
Where can I get help finding housing?
We are homeless. Where can I find help? I am a victim of domestic violence. Where can I get help?
Where do I turn if I am having problems with my child?
How can I get child support to help my family?
How can I help a friend or family member who is abused?
I need help feeding my family.
How can I prepare myself and my family for a disaster?
Can you help me find health insurance for my family?
I need help talking with my teenage child(ren) about tough issues.

Where can I find healthy food?
Can you help me find health insurance for my family?
Where can I find information on the Affordable Care Act?
How can I help my child live healthier?

Human Trafficking
What is human trafficking?
Where can I find information about the National Human Trafficking Resource Center?
What services are available for victims of human trafficking?
Where can I report suspected human trafficking?

Where can I find information on adoption help for same -sex couples and LGBT individuals?
What resources are available for serving LGBT youth?
Where can I get help if I am being persecuted in my country because of my sexual orientation or gender identity?
I was kicked out of my home. Where can I go for help?
I ran away from home and need help getting reunited with my family.

Native Americans and Tribes
Where can I get information about protecting the environment on tribal lands?
Where can I get information about job readiness, job placement and job retention?
Where can I get information on preserving Native American languages?
How can I learn about the latest government grants for Native American communities?
Where can I submit a grant to help my community?
Where can I get information about Tribal TANF?
How do I prepare for an emergency in Indian Country?

Refugees and Repatriates
What resources are available for those who have been granted asylum in the United States?
Where can I find information about technical assistance providers?
How can I legally work in the United States as a refugee?
Where can I find help if I need to return to the US after leaving a foreign country due to illness, poverty, war or threat of war?
What resources are available for unaccompanied or refugee minors?
I am a refugee. How can I bring my family to the United States?

How can I break the cycle of teen pregnancy?
I am a runaway. Where can I get help reuniting with my family?
I was kicked out of my home, where can I go for help?
I’m a young adult. Where can I find information to live a healthy life?
What can I do if I am (or someone I know is) being bullied?