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Title IV-E Reviews

The regulatory reviews of the title IV-E Foster Care program determine whether children in foster care meet the federal eligibility requirements for foster care maintenance payments. During these reviews, the Children’s Bureau validates the accuracy of a state's reimbursement claims of foster care payments by examining child and provider case records as well as payment documentation. Each eligibility review specifies the number of cases in error or otherwise improperly paid and the underlying causes of over and underpayments. It also specifies the amount of improper payments, which is based on a sample drawn from the state's overall title IV-E caseload for an identified 6-month period. Additionally, each eligibility review details the strengths and weaknesses of each state's program and identifies technical assistance that may be needed for program improvement. The foster care eligibility reviews enable the federal government to provide more accurate financial assistance to states and provide timely and specific feedback to states so they can improve program administration and implementation.

General Information

This section includes legislation, policy, and schedules.

Title IV-E Foster Care Eligibility Reviews Fact Sheet - Information on the history, purpose, and process of the Child and Family Services Reviews (CFSRs), as well as a summary of the title IV-E foster care eligibility reviews

Title IV-E Legislation/Policy - Information about legislation and policy related to the title IV-E foster care eligibility reviews

Title IV-E Foster Care Eligibility Review Schedules - A listing of when states are scheduled to be reviewed

Instruments, Tools, and Guides for Title IV-E Reviews

This section includes documents used to plan and conduct the title IV-E foster care eligibility reviews.

Title IV-E Foster Care Eligibility Review Guide - Suggestions and guidance on planning, conducting, and completing a title IV-E foster care eligibility review

Title IV-E Foster Care Eligibility On-Site Review Instrument - Instrument completed during the onsite title IV-E foster care eligibility reviews

Title IV-E Foster Care Eligibility Onsite Review Instrument (Spanish version) - A Spanish-language version of the instrument completed during the onsite title IV-E foster care eligibility reviews

Peer Reviewer Information for Title IV-E Reviews

This section includes resources for training child welfare professionals to serve as reviewers.

Peer Reviewer Recruitment - Information about the recruitment and training of child welfare professionals to serve as reviewers to supplement the federal review team

The Child Welfare Reviews project assists the Children's Bureau in administering the title IV-E foster care eligibility reviews. The project’s responsibilities include recruiting and training peer reviewers for the eligibility reviews, supporting the Children's Bureau Regional Office staff in planning the reviews, providing support to the Children's Bureau Central and Regional Office staff on post-review follow-up, and preparing reports on topics related to the reviews. Inquiries regarding the peer reviewer applications should be directed to:

Child Welfare Reviews Project
Attn: IV-E Reviews
JBS International, Inc
5515 Security Lane, Suite 800
North Bethesda, MD 20852-5007

Title IV-E State Reports and Program Improvement Plans

This section includes information about the title IV-E state reports and the Program Improvement Plans (PIPs).