
Change of Principal Investigator

A change of principal investigator (PI) is subject to the prior approval of NIDA program and grants management staff. Grantees must request a change of PI when the original PI will be absent from a project for three or more consecutive months. A request for a change of PI must be submitted at least thirty days in advance of the proposed change. The request must be signed by the authorized organizational official and include the following details listed below. NIDA's approval of the new PI is conveyed when NIDA issued a revised Notice of Award.

The request must include:

  1. The reason for the requested change.
  2. An assurance that an official relationship is in place between the grantee organization and the proposed replacement PI, even if the relationship does not involve a salary or other form of remuneration.
  3. A biographical sketch of the proposed new PI (see Biographical Sketch, from the PHS 398).
  4. Updated other support (see Other Support Format page, from the PHS 398)
  5. Certification of human subjects training if the proposed new PI will be working with human subjects.
  6. Details on any budget changes resulting from the change in PI

The request should include the signatures of the current PI, the proposed replacement PI, and the authorized organizational official. Please send the request in PDF format to the grants management specialist listed on your Notice of Award.

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