
Nicotine/Tobacco Interest Group

What We Do:

The trans-divisional NIDA Nicotine/Tobacco Interest Group (NTIG) was organized in February 2004 and promotes nicotine- and tobacco-centered communication, collaboration and coordination throughout NIDA. Since nicotine and tobacco research is cross-cutting, NIDA NTIG draws on the interests and expertise found in every Division and Center. In addition to providing a forum for information exchange (e.g., breakthrough research findings, upcoming meetings/seminars, etc.) we also provide programmatic expertise, foster scientific development and interests, and promote new areas of research through the development of scientific meetings, webinars and events. NIDA NTIG also serves as a conduit to the trans-NIH Tobacco and Nicotine Research Interest Group.

Membership is ongoing and new membership is encouraged. Meetings are held quarterly and are webcast for remote viewing. If you are interested in learning more about NIDA NTIG, please contact Kristopher Bough or Debbie Grossman.

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