Kansas State Information


Best Practice:   Before booking your hotel, call ahead to verify state tax law compliance. If your hotel does not comply with state tax law, it is recommended that you chose an alternate hotel.

Am I exempt from state taxes?

IBA/ Travel Card - Yes, IBA cards are exempt.
CBA/ Purchase Card - Yes, CBA cards are exempt. 

What forms if any will I need?
No forms are required.

Who is the main point of contact?
Kansas Department of Revenue
Phone: (785) 368-8222

What are the important links?
Kansas Department of Revenue

Are there any additional information or instructions?
Kansas DOR Sales Tax Exemptions

Are surcharges allowed in this state?
Even though VISA/ MasterCard have eliminated the prohibition against credit card surcharges, merchants in this state are barred from imposing surcharges because it is illegal under state law.



Kansas State Flower


The GSA SmartPay® program provides charge cards to agencies/departments throughout the U.S. government, as well as tribal governments, through master contracts that are negotiated with major national banks.

SmartPay® Charge Cards are for Official U.S. Government usage only.


T: 703.605.2808 | Email Support: gsa_smartpay@gsa.gov
This is an official U.S. Government Web site managed by the GSA.