USDA People's Garden

USDA People's Garden


Stay connected with USDA's People's Garden, the nation’s demonstration plot. Get the latest real-time “tweets” on events, workshops, plantings and harvests.

12th & Jefferson, SW, WDC ·


Field trip allows students to see transform from bare-looking ground into sea of ready to harvest food

in France Netherlands CzechRepublic CostaRica Poland SouthKorea Afghanistan Italy Turkey Spain Algeria & SouthAfrica

Grew more than you can use? Don't let it go to waste. Join our 'Share Your Harvest' effort & donate surplus. will connect you

Carolina Gold, an heirloom American rice widely sought after in the 1700s, is growing in our garden Photo:

Remember to celebrate the value and power of native plant species! Join KAB and their affiliates 2morrow in kicking off

What's being grown in the garden right now? Pea shoots, peanuts, rice, soy beans, pumpkins, okra and more. Photos:

Students from leading hort school in Paris who designed People's Garden official residence visit us! Read:

What's affecting our cucumber vines? We just learned its powdery mildew, downy mildew and angular leaf spot.

Our tomato plant has a classic sign of nutrient deficiency. Its leaves are purple - which usually means a poor roo

It's best to water the soil & not the plant. If wilted, check the soil 4 moisture. Don't assume it needs water

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