Professionals providing quality information for improved health. spacer

Deciphering Medspeak

For Health Consumers: "Top Ten" Most Useful Websites

The Medical Library Association finds the following web sites particularly useful (sites are listed in alphabetical, NOT ranked, order):

The Consumer and Patient Health Information Section (CAPHIS) of MLA evaluates web sites based on the following criteria: credibility, sponsorship/authorship, content, audience, currency, disclosure, purpose, links, design, interactivity, and disclaimers.

More Information

Need more information? Try asking a medical librarian (note that not all medical libraries are open to the public). Call your local hospital, health care center, medical school, or contact MLA:

Medical Library Association
Suite 1900
65 East Wacker Place
Chicago, IL 60601-7246
Fax, 312.419.8950


                 Thanks to our MLANET sponsors!

Thanks to Rittenhouse for their sponsorship of MLANET.

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                 Thanks to our MLANET sponsors!