Newly Diagnosed

The Journey Begins

Receiving a diagnosis of ovarian cancer from your doctor is just the beginning of a very personal and unique journey for you and your loved ones. This path can be scary at times, and will likely present a variety of emotional and physical challenges.

One thing you should know is that you do not need to walk this path alone.

The National Ovarian Cancer Coalition (NOCC) is here to support you and your family throughout the course of your disease. Many of us have walked the same path and we are here to provide you with information, compassion, and encouragement.

After being diagnosed with ovarian cancer, you probably will feel uncertain and have many questions about the disease. How will it affect my body and my life? What's the best plan of action to manage the disease? What treatment side effects will I experience?

Empowering women following an ovarian cancer diagnosis

We've designed this website and our literature to empower you with credible information that will answer your commonly asked questions and arm you with information that will help you get through this difficult time. We know this information might seem overwhelming at first. This is just the beginning of your journey and you will get through this with the help of your medical care providers, family, friends, and all of us at the National Ovarian Cancer Coalition.

Remember, treatments and research are continually evolving, so check in with us often for the latest information.

Take the time you need to get a good grasp on the information and ask a lot of questions. Don't be shy. The more you know, the easier it will be to work well with your healthcare team, manage your cancer and make the best decisions for yourself. NOCC and our Local Chapters are on your side and here to help and provide further support during your journey. We're a call or a click away.

To obtain copies of any NOCC literature, please send an e-mail to or phone 888-OVARIAN (888-682-7426).


Get the Facts:

Most Asked Q & A’s

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How to Talk to Your Doctor:

Read our “Break the Silence” tips

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