Training Grant in Quality of Care and Outcomes Research in Cardiovascular Disease

The Wake Forest University

Director: David Goff, MD, PhD
Address, phone, e-mail


This is a training grant in quality of care and outcomes research in cardiovascular disease. The program is designed for M.D. investigators who are transitioning from clinical training in Internal Medicine or Family Medicine to academic careers. Key features of the program include completion of a Master's degree in clinical epidemiology and health services research with research experience in quality of care and outcomes research. The applicants will also attend the American Heart Association's Annual Scientific Forum on Quality of Care and Outcomes Research in Cardiovascular Disease and Stroke, the Ten- Day Seminar on the Epidemiology and Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease, the Summer Training Institute for Randomized Clinical Trials Involving Behavioral Interventions, and receive additional training in the responsible conduct of research.

Areas of Special Emphasis

The goal of this training program is to train clinical investigators who are well equipped to apply the new advances in quality of care and outcomes research to the conduct of cardiovascular research and to assist in the translation of new clinical science advances into policy and practice.

Type of Training: Post-doctoral

Key Faculty Available as Preceptors

Ronny Bell, PhD, MS, Associate Professor, Department of Epidemiology and Prevention. Chronic disease prevalence and risk factors, with particular emphasis on ethnic minority populations.

Alain Bertoni, MD, MPH, Associate Professor of PHD and Internal Medicine. Morbidity and mortality in diabetes and CVD, quality improvement in chronic disease, and ethnic disparities in health and healthcare.

J. Jeff Carr, MD, MS, Associate Professor of Radiologic Sciences and Public Health Sciences. Combining imaging techniques with population-based research to provide insight into how atherosclerosis results in CVD.

C. Randall Clinch, DO, MS, Associate Professor of Family and Community Medicine. Curriculum development and implementation, survey design and implementation, and clinical trials.

Ann Geiger, MPH, PhD, Associate Professor of PHS. Development and evaluation of system-, provider-, and patient-based interventions aimed at improving the quality of and patient satisfaction with medical care.

Ann Hiott, MD, Assistant Professor of Family and Community Medicine. Curriculum development .

Wenke Hwang, PhD, Assistant Professor, Department of Social Sciences and Health Policy. Quantitative methodology, health policy, and health services research.

Edward Ip, PhD, Associate Professor in Biostatistical Sciences and Social Sciences and Health Policy. Statistics and psychometrics.

Michael Kutcher, MD, Professor of Internal Medicine. Cardiovascular.

Alison Snow Jones, PhD, Associate Professor Department of Social Sciences and Health Policy. Evaluation of behavioral outcomes, women’s health issues, and economic forces that shape health, alcohol, and tobacco policy.

Last updated: January, 2009

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