

Cited References

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  25. Selwa, L.M. Lessons in mentoring. Experimental Neurology 184:42-47, 2003.
  26. Tobin, M.J. Mentoring: Seven roles and some specifics. American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine 170:114-117, 2004.
  27. Zachary, L.J. The Mentor's Guide. San Francisco: John Wiley and Sons. 2000.

Additional References

  1. American College of Epidemiology Policy Committee. The role of the epidemiologist in clinical and translational science. Annals of Epidemiology 16:409-410, 2006.
  2. Basinger, S., and Degutis, L. (eds.). Project MAINSTREAM Mentor Handbook. Providence, RI: AMERSA. 2003.
  3. Burroughs Wellcome Fund (BWF) and Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI). Making the Right Moves: A Practical Guide to Scientific Management for Postdocs and New Faculty. HHMI and BWF. 2006. Available at:
  4. Committee on Science, Engineering and Public Policy. Adviser, Teacher, Role Model, Friend: On Being a Mentor to Students in Science and Engineering. Washington, DC: National Academy Press. 1997. Available at:
  5. Haggard, C. When your advisor stops advising. AWIS Magazine 35(1): 31-32, 2006.
  6. Marks, M.B., and Goldstein, R. The mentoring triad: Mentee, mentor and environment. Journal of Rheumatology 3(26):1-6, 2006.
  7. Morzinski, J.A.; Simpson, D.E.; Bower, D.J.; and Diehr, S. Faculty development through formal mentoring. Academic Medicine 69:267-269, 1994.
  8. Postdoctoral Fellows Focus Group. A 10-step plan for better postdoc training. The Scientist 20(1):24-25, 2006.
  9. Simpson, D., and Brown, D. The Medical College of Wisconsin Junior Faculty Mentor Program. 2004. Available at:

This page was last updated November 2009