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Agency for Healthcare Research Quality

Elderly/Long-Term Care

Changes in Clinical and Hotel Expenditures Following Publication of the Nursing Home Compare Report Card. D. Mukamel, W. Spector, J. Zinn, et al., Medical Care, October 2010; 48(10):869-874. Examines the hypothesis that nursing homes responding to changes in consumer demand for quality improvement shifted the balance of resources from the hotel aspects of care to clinical activities. (AHRQ 11-R001)

Community and Individual Race/Ethnicity and Home Health Care Use Among Elderly Persons in the United States. J. Kirby, D. Lau, Health Services Research, October 2010; 45(5 Pt 1):1251-1267. Examines whether the interaction between individual race/ethnicity and community racial/ethnic composition is associated with health-related home care use among elderly individuals in the United States. (AHRQ 11-R021)

The Costs of Turnover in Nursing Homes. D. Mukamel, W. Spector, R. Limcangco, et al., Medical Care, October 2009; 47(10):1039-1045. Presents an estimate of net costs associated with turnover of direct care staff in California nursing homes in 2005. (AHRQ 10-R004)

Does State Regulation of Quality Impose Costs on Nursing Homes? D. Mukamel, Y. Li, C. Harrington, et al., Medical Care, June 2011; 49(6):529-534. Estimates the costs associated with the regulation of quality in the nursing home industry. (AHRQ 11-R062)

Dual Eligibles with Mental Disorders and Medicare Part B: How Are They Faring? J. Donohue, H. Huskamp, S. Zuvekas, Health Affairs, May/June 2009; 28(3):746-759. Describes changes in use of psychotropic medications since 2006, when individuals who were eligible for both Medicare and Medicaid switched from Medicaid to Medicare Part D coverage for their prescription drugs. (AHRQ 09-R062)

Formal Home Care Utilization Patterns by Rural-Urban Community Residence. W. McAuley, W. Spector, J. Van Nostrand, Journal of Gerontology, March 2009; 64(2):258-268. Examines formal home care use among civilian adults across metro and nonmetro residential categories before and after adjustment for predisposing, enabling, and need variables. (AHRQ 10-R003)

Impact of Local Resources on Hospitalization Patterns of Medicare Beneficiaries and Propensity to Travel Outside Local Markets. J. Basu, L. Mobley, Journal of Rural Health, Winter 2010, 26(1):20-29. Examines how the availability of local health care resources affects travel patterns of patients aged 65 and older across the rural/urban continuum. (AHRQ 10-R037)

Is There Evidence of Cream Skimming Among Nursing Homes Following the Publication of the Nursing Home Compare Report Card? D. Mukamel, H. Ladd, D. Weimer, et al., Gerontologist, December 2009; 49(6):793-802. Tests empirically the hypothesis that nursing homes have responded to the publication of the report on nursing home quality by adopting cream-skimming admission policies by which they admit less sick and less frail individuals to improve their quality scores without investing additional resources. (AHRQ 10-R002)

The "Nursing Home Compare" Measure of Urinary/Fecal Incontinence: Cross-Sectional Variation, Stability Over Time, and the Impact of Case Mix. Y. Li, J. Schnelle, W. Spector, et al., Health Services Research, February 2010, 45(1):79-97. Describes the impact of facility case mix on cross-sectional variations and short-term stability of the "Nursing Home Compare" incontinence quality measure and discusses whether multivariate risk adjustment could minimize the impact. (AHRQ 10-R050)

On-Time Quality Improvement for Long-Term Care. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality and the California Healthcare Foundation. The goal of this initiative is to turn daily documentation into useful information that enhances clinical care planning in long-term care facilities. A key objective is the reduction of in-house pressure ulcer rates.
Case Studies, May 2007; 3 pp. Summarizes three case studies from this initiative: implementation of digital pen technology, importance of daily care documentation, and use of handheld computers. (AHRQ 07-0058-3)
Frequently Asked Questions, May 2007; 2 pp. Uses a question-and-answer format to describe the On-Time Quality Improvement for Long-Term Care initiative and how facilities can participate. (AHRQ 07-0058-2).

Parental Marital Disruption, Family Type, and Transfers to Disabled Elderly Parents. L. Pezzin, R. Pollak, B. Schone, Journals of Gerontology Series B Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences, November 2008; 63B(6):S349-S358. Examines the effects of parental marital status, marital history, and family type on intergenerational living arrangements and adult children's time and cash transfers to their unpartnered disabled elderly parents. (AHRQ 09-R033)

Pressure Ulcer Prevention in Long-Term-Care Facilities: A Pilot Study Implementing Standardized Nurse Aid Documentation and Feedback Reports. S. Horn, S. Sharkey, S. Hudak, et al., Advances in Skin and Wound Care, March 2010, 23(3):120-131. Describes the design and implementation of evidence-based changes associated with decreases in presser ulcer development in long-term care facilities. (AHRQ 10-R047)

Publication of Quality Report Cards and Trends in Reported Quality Measures in Nursing Homes. D. Mukamel, D. Weimer, W. Spector, et al., Health Services Research, August 2008; 43(4):1244-1262. Uses survey data for 701 nursing homes to examine changes in outcome-based quality measures, comparing the periods before and after publication of the first Nursing Home Compare Web-based report card in November 2002. (AHRQ 09-R014)

The Relationship Between Living Arrangement and Preventive Care Use Among Community-Dwelling Elderly Persons. D. Lau, J. Kirby, American Journal of Public Health, July 2009; 99(7):1315-1321. Uses 2002-2005 Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (MEPS) data to examine the relationship between living arrangement and obtaining preventive care among the elderly population. (AHRQ 09-R060)

Stage 2 Pressure Ulcer Healing in Nursing Homes. N. Bergstrom, R. Smout, S. Horn, et al., Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, July 2008; 56(7):1252-1258. Identifies resident and wound characteristics associated with Stage 2 pressure ulcer healing time in nursing home residents. (AHRQ 09-R001)

State Regulatory Enforcement and Nursing Home Termination from the Medicare and Medicaid Programs. Y. Li, C. Harrington, W. Spector, et al., Health Services Research, December 2010; 45(6 Pt 1):1796-1814. Examines the relationship between enforcement of Federal and State quality and safety standards and nursing home termination from the Medicare and Medicaid programs. (AHRQ 11-R028) Evidence

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