Executive Branch

Our Executive Branch Holdings

Many historical documents that we preserve and serve to the public were created by various components of the Executive branch of the United States Federal Government, including:

  • the President and President's staff
  • departments
  • agencies and bureaus
  • commissions and boards

Our Office of the Federal Register publishes the official text of currently effective:

We also hold records created or used by the Legislative and the Judicial branches.

  • The documents of the three branches are official records evidencing the activities and services of the United States Federal Government.

  • We do not hold records of state, county, city, or town governments, or of churches or other private institutions.

Looking for documents created by or about...?

U.S. Government ManualU.S. Government Manual Comprehensive information on the agencies of the Legislative, Judicial, and Executive branches.

Did you Know...?

You can apply for grants to assist you with your study of Federal Records or Presidential Papers?

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