Me i guess

04/12/2012 07:04:35

I'm 13 going to be 14 in July i have many of the symptoms And my moms doctor says i need to be tested my mom has had lupus sense i was 4 and has been in and out of the hospital for many years until she got her kidney transplant... Some days even make-up wont cover the rash on my face I'm in pain a lot and some days cant even get out of bed I'm very scared to get the test done because if i do i might have to go through keamo and i don't know how that's going to affect me with me being so young when i was in the 4th grade i did a report on lupus i was the only kid doing a topic like this everyone elts did Dogs and snakes.. i pulled it out 2 weeks ago and started to cry about what may happen I'm very strong but week when i stand alone....

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By Jean Henry
05/07/2012 06:05:13

I have a fourteen year old daughter who has many symptoms of Lupus, but has not been diagnosed yet as this is new. She is going on missing her fifth week of school. She had the butterfly rash, head ahes, kidney pain, stomache ache, photo sensitivity, and muscle and joint pain. Why do people with Lupus go through chemo therapy? What does that do for them?

Jean Henry

By tabitha
04/26/2012 11:04:47

just remember "i can do all things through Christ Jesus who strengeneth me" u can do this its going to be hard but you have what it takes!!! i believe in you girl

By Erica
04/25/2012 09:04:41

Hey Sadie May

I was diagnosed with Lupus when I was 12 years old. I had a rash on my face as well and was feeling tired all the time. It took them a long time to diagnose what was wrong with me. When they finally decided that it was lupus, I had to have chemotherapy. Right now I am 26 years old. My lupus is in remission and I am able to live normally. I have never had a lupus flare.

Fighting Lupus is hard, but it important that you take care of yourself. You should see the doctor, the symptoms will continue to get worse without treatment. I know chemo seems scary, it is, but you can do it if you have to. You have the strength to get through any situation that is put in front of you.
