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Teen Survival Guide

girl on the phone

If your parent uses drugs or alcohol

If your parent or guardian drinks too much alcohol or uses drugs, a lot of things in your life might seem out of your control. But you can make things better for yourself. Here's how:

  • DO talk with an adult you trust. Sharing your feelings with this person is not tattling on your parent.
  • DO join a support group. Alateen is a group for teens who have parents who abuse drugs and alcohol. You will find that many teens are struggling with the same problems. It holds meetings, like a club. Call Alateen toll-free at 1-888-425-2666 to find out where to go. Ask a caring adult if you need help getting there.
  • DO get involved in activities at school or in your town. You can learn new things about yourself and about how other people live their lives drug- and alcohol-free.
  • DO remember to have fun! Hang out with friends, go to the movies, or play sports. Do what makes you happy.
  • DON'T ride in a car when the driver has been drinking or doing drugs. Walk or try to get a ride with a safe adult. If you are forced to ride with a parent who has been drinking, sit in the back seat in the middle. Lock your door. Put on your safety belt. Try to stay calm.
  • DON'T think that because your parent is addicted to drugs or alcohol, that you will be too one day. Most children of addicts don't become addicts themselves.
  • DON'T pour out or water down your parent's alcohol or get rid of your parent's drugs. The plain fact is that it won't work. You have no control over your parent's drinking or drug use. Addiction is a disease. You didn't cause it and you can't make it stop.

Fun quiz

About ___ million children in our country are growing up with at least one alcoholic parent. You're not alone!

*Hint: You can find the answer in one of the web sites listed at the end of this section.

Answer: 11

Teen tip: You can never become an addict if you choose not to drink or do drugs.

Activity: Write down the names and phone numbers of three people whom you can call for help or if you feel like talking. Keep this list in a safe place in your room and also in your wallet.

From: Kara (age 12), Suffolk, Virginia

I want to take care of my mom, but I hate the way she is when she is drunk.

It's normal to hate the disease of alcoholism or drug addiction and at the same time love your addicted parent. Talking about these feelings with someone you trust or through a support group like Alateen will help you to feel less alone and afraid.

Content last updated February 12, 2008

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Office on Women's Health.
