First Lady Michelle Obama Talks About the First Year of Let's Move!


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Uploaded by on Feb 8, 2011

First Lady Michelle Obama talks about efforts of the Let's Move! initiative to help youth get healthy and be active.


News & Politics


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  • Michelle, You should be very proud of all the work you are doing! It is a hard fight ahead, but so worth it. Don't let the ridiculous partisan squabbling on this sway you. Great initiative!

  • Thanks you First Lady Michelle...proud of you!

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  • No, it is the schools that don't promote sports or activity that are the problem. We do not have very many options to work out. We get like 20 minutes after lunch to go to the gym, but we only play basketball or volleyball in there. If we have a Phy. Ed. class, we get 40 minutes, but half of that time is wasted standing around doing nothing. This new act will not solve the weight problems, it only promotes anorexia. I need 3000 calories per day to keep my weight. Only getting like 600 from lunch

  • Help us get the First Lady to or World Record Let's Move Flash mob!

  • I am not African American, but I am telling this is the best First Lady ever !!!!

  • fat kids gonna be fat...unless you make it a requirement to have students participate in a sport for a set amount of time, you are gonna be hard pressed. You think these kids don't have choices? everyday, there are limitless options to work out. It doesn't require much except dedication. Whose to blame? not our schools, not our teachers, not our cities or states, but the dead beat parents who dont encourage their children to work out or play sports or be physical.

  • Michelle Obama’s $4.5 billion "Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act" mandates broke school districts to grow gardens and have salad bars, but it begs the question why can’t the existing system be revamped to give children healthier choices without costing a fortune. It also takes $2.2 Billion away from the Food Stamp Program to fund it. Currently the US pays some farmers not to grow food, and Michelle is on Sesame Street using Elmo to push it.

    ROMNEY 2012

  • when you can hate on someone without actually knowing them personally that shows theres alot of things wrong with your life that needs your attention more.. get it together!!

  • What Do You Mean Brainwashing I'm Doning This Because I Care! Yeah There's No Turning Back. Just now You'll Goinhg To Want SomeOne To Care For U!!!

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