SAFENET Notification

  • On Saturday, February 23, SAFENET will be unavailable starting at 8am (MST) for approximately one hour to perform server maintenance.

What is SAFENET?

Front line firefighters have another tool that provides a way to be heard and get unsafe situations resolved. SAFENET is a form, and process, that has been in demand by firefighters themselves. It is a method for prompt reporting and timely resolution of safety and health concerns encountered in wildland fire, all hazard operations, or other related work environments. The information on the form assists in the collection of important, safety-related data at the National Interagency Fire Center, to determine long-term trends and problem areas. The development of SAFENET was recommended in Phase III of the TriData Wildland Firefighter Safety Awareness Study. Here are some facts about SAFENET and how it works.

SAFENET is not the only way to correct a safety-related concern; it does not replace accident reporting or any other official agency reporting method. It's simply an easy, quick way to report a safety concern. It's also a way for front line firefighters to be involved in the daily job of being safe and keeping others safe, by documenting and helping to resolve safety issues.

The SAFENET system is intended solely as a tool for wildland firefighters and fire management. Its objective is to provide a forum for firefighters to voice their safety concerns, facilitate problem solving, and to aid in identifying trends as they relate to firefighter safety. Neither the National Wildfire Coordinating Group (NWCG) nor its members, make any claims as to the accuracy or validity of individual SAFENETs.

Contact Us

The NWCG encourages comments and suggestions for improvement of the SAFENET program. Please share your ideas by emailing the Questions regarding SAFENET should also be emailed to the SAFENET Adminsitrator.

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