Forest Action Plans

Forest Action Plans are making a difference in every state.

Welcome to State Foresters

FY2013 Appropriations

State and Private Forestry programs leverage the capacity of state agencies to provide assistance to landowners and communities to manage, maintain, and improve the nation's 423 million acres of private forests and 100 million acres of urban forests. NASF offers a number of recommendations for funding these vital programs

Forests in the Farm Bill

Forests in the Farm Bill
The 2012 Farm Bill has an important role to play in ensuring that America’s private forests continue to provide nature's benefits that every American benefits from, as well as meeting the challenges and threats facing the nation’s private forests.

NASF Foundation

Established in 1983, projects supported by the Foundation further the recognition of state forestry agency leadership in promoting healthy, well-managed forests.

Urban Trees and Forests

The urban forest is the tree canopy cover above every neighborhood, town, and city in America. We have a strong incentive to nurture our urban and community forests to safeguard their contributions to health, safety, energy security and quality of life

Green Building

Green Building
From both environmental and economic perspectives, State Foresters believe it is important that wood products, and particularly products derived from U.S. forests, play a substantial role in the U.S. green building movement. NASF promotes the value of wood from certified, sustainably managed U.S. forests as a green building material.

NASF Store

NASF Store
NASF sells educational materials as part of our mission to sustain healthy trees and forests across America. Our products support the conservation education and fire prevention efforts of teachers, foresters, fire departments, and other agencies and organizations.

Educational Materials Store

Shop for educational materials to support conservation and fire prevention.

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