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We have begun surveying federal employees annually instead of every other year in order to gather more useful data in a timely manner. The survey results provide valuable insights that help us improve our workplaces and increase productivity to contribute to accomplishing agency missions. Learn More

Once we attract talented people to public service, we must work hard to deploy them effectively. This requires inspiring leadership, continuous learning, a results-oriented mindset, recognition of excellence, and a personnel performance management system that effectively plans, monitors, develops, rates, and rewards employee performance and aligns with the agency’s program performance management. We strive to ensure the Federal workforce and its leaders are fully accountable, fairly appraised, and have the tools, systems, and resources to achieve results.

Results-Oriented Performance Culture

To guide agencies in creating better working environments for their employees, the government regularly administers a survey that asks all employees a wide variety of questions on their work experience. This survey, the Employee Viewpoint Survey, is organized around four areas: Leadership and Knowledge Management, Results-Oriented Performance Culture, Talent Management, and Job Satisfaction. There are 8-14 questions that address each of these areas, and the answers to those questions are combined to produce a single composite score of how satisfied an employee is in that area. The chart to the right shows the percentage of employees in each agency reporting on the 2010 survey that they were highly satisfied that their agency had a Results-Oriented Performance Culture. This means that employees believe the agency has a results-oriented, high-performing workforce as well as a performance management system that effectively plans, monitors, develops, rates, and rewards employee performance and aligns personnel performance management with program performance management.

Tabular View
Leadership and Knowledge Management

The chart to the right shows the percentage of employees in each agency that reported in the Employee Viewpoint Survey that they were highly satisfied with Leadership and Knowledge Management. This area focuses on whether employees believe agency leaders are competent and inspiring, continuity of leadership is ensured, knowledge is shared across the organization, and an environment of continuous learning is present.

Tabular View
Agency Breakdown

Agency Breakdown

Agency% Performance Culture% Leadership
Department of Agriculture5358
Department of Commerce6165
Department of the Interior5356
Department of Justice5664
Department of Labor5361
Department of State5867
Department of The Treasury5966
Office of Personnel Management6066
Social Security Administration5669
Nuclear Regulatory Commission6878
Department of Veterans Affairs5259
General Services Administration5967
National Science Foundation5859
Environmental Protection Agency5661
Department of Transportation4957
Department of Homeland Security4855
U.S. Agency for International Development5360
Small Business Administration5461
Department of Health and Human Services5560
National Aeronautics and Space Administration6472
Department of Housing and Urban Development4957
Department of Energy5360
Department of Education5360
Department of Defense5564
N/A = Not Applicable

Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) does not currently have an agency page on Performance.gov. For more information about NRC, please click here.