
ARP Research and Funding Priorities

Funding Priorities:

Research Priorities:


  • Reducing racial/ethnic disparities in HIV testing, access, and utilization of treatment and services
  • Seek, test, treat, and retain—expanding HIV testing, linkage, and retention in care for hard-to-reach populations
  • Improving effectiveness of HIV therapy for substance abusers
  • Drug treatment as HIV prevention
  • Understanding transmission of HIV among drug users (both injection and non-injection) and their networks
  • Interventions for drug users involved in the criminal justice system
  • Research on  substance abuse, risky decision-making, and impulsivity and HIV transmission among adolescents and adults
  • Strategies to coordinate and improve treatment and services for HIV, drug abuse, and co-occurring conditions (e.g., HCV)
  • Enhancing adherence to treatment for HIV and comorbid conditions
  • Drug abuse, HIV, and the brain
  • Genetics, epigenetics, proteomics, and systems biology studies in drug abusers and/or animal models of HIV
  • Research on structural interventions to prevent HIV/AIDS transmission and/or to enhance access/utilization of treatment and services
  • Training of new AIDS researchers


  • Develop prevention strategies addressing non-injection drug use such as stimulants (e.g. methamphetamine, cocaine, crack) in vulnerable populations (e.g., MSM, young women) where prevalence is high (e.g., Latin America, Asia, Africa)
  • Develop prevention strategies addressing HIV/injection drug use epidemics in different geographic areas (Russia, China, SE Asia, India, Eastern/Central Europe)
  • Develop regional research networks
  • Develop new methods for gathering HIV epidemiological data and tracking HIV diffusion
  • Assess role of immigration and migration on HIV transmission
  • Drug treatment as HIV prevention, including development of long-acting, sustainable therapies
  • Assessment of HIV/AIDS treatment as HIV prevention
  • Implementation science research to guide scale-up of cost-effective interventions
  • HIV and co-infections (e.g., HCV, TB)
  • Support training new AIDS researchers

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