U.S. Under Secretary of Education to Host Town Hall Discussion on College Affordability, Access to Quality Higher Education

Press Office, (202) 401-1576, press@ed.gov

Event Date 1: October 03, 2012 10:00 am - 11:00 am

U.S. Under Secretary of Education Martha Kanter will visit the University of Massachusetts Boston on Wednesday, Oct. 3, where she will host a town hall discussion with students and educators on the topics of college affordability and access to quality higher education. She will discuss the Obama administration's major proposals on education and how they will impact Massachusetts.

Kanter will outline steps the administration has taken to expand access and keep college affordable, as well as the shared responsibility of postsecondary institutions, states and the federal government in expanding college opportunity.

The administration is undertaking initiatives to make college more affordable and costs more transparent, as part of a larger effort to achieve President Obama's national goal to once again lead the world in college completion by 2020. Details about the Education Department's college completion and affordability efforts can be found here.

Event 1
Who : U.S. Under Secretary of Education Martha Kanter
What : Town hall discussion with students and educators
When : 10 a.m. Wednesday, Oct. 3, 2012
Where : University of Massachusetts Boston (Alumni Lounge, second floor)
Campus Center
100 Morrissey Blvd.
Boston, Mass.

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