
We are the world's largest library devoted to agriculture. Covering: crops, animals, food, nutrition, safety, health, water quality, invasives, and much more.

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Some title in the NAL collection caught your interest? Borrow it through interlibrary loan or visit us M-F 8:30-4:30

Motivate your students and staff to eat more fruits & veggies during National Fruit and Veggies More Matters Month:

RT : If you need help buying food to feed your family, there is help. Learn about your options at

Reduce the risk of stroke, diabetes, heart disease, & obesity? Celebrate Whole Grains Month this Sept!

More than just Seabiscuit--horse racing publications at the National Agricultural Library

Buy a unique gift (for a friend or yourself!) and help support the conservation of our fragile materials:

Learn more about childhood obesity. Get your students involved during National Childhood Obesity Awareness Month:

It's National Month. Check out the varieties on view in NAL's pomological watercolor collection (Hungry yet?)

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