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U.S. Government Information on Organ and Tissue Donation and Transplantation
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About Us

Image of Tommy Frieson, a donation professional.

“I would like to implement policies and practices that help organize all of the different ways we can work together to provide quality organs to those in need.”

> Read more about my story

The Division of Transplantation (DoT) is within the Department of Health and Human Services, Health Resources and Services Administration's Healthcare Systems Bureau. DoT is the primary federal entity responsible for oversight of the organ and blood stem cell transplant systems in the U.S. and for initiatives to increase the level of organ donation in this country. The Division is comprised of three branches, each devoted to a specific program responsibility.

>  HRSA, HSB organizational chart (PDF - 300KB)


This Program includes the Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network (OPTN) the purpose of which is to allocate and distribute donor organs to individuals waiting for an organ transplant. The allocation of organs is guided by organ allocation policies developed by the OPTN with analytic support provided by the Scientific Registry of Transplant Recipients Web site External Web Site Policy (SRTR). In addition to the efficient and effective allocation of donor organs through the OPTN, the Program also supports efforts to increase the supply of donor organs made available for transplantation.

> Organ Procurement and Transplantation Network Web site


These Programs support the recruitment of adult blood stem cell donors and development of cord blood inventories and providing these blood stem cell sources to patients in need of a blood stem cell transplant for whom an appropriately-matched related blood stem cell donor is not available.

Bone Marrow and Cord Blood Donation and Transplantation Web site

Special Programs:

Grant Programs

Grants to Increase Organ Donation and Availability: The Division sponsors several grant programs with the ultimate goal of increasing the number of organs available for transplant. Some focus on outreach campaigns to increase public commitment to donation and enrollment in state donor registries; another focuses on clinical interventions to increase the number and viability of deceased donor organs for transplant. Some grant programs focus on research to identify successful practices. Others focus on the replication of successful practices.

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National Living Donor Subsistence Reimbursement Grant Program: provides travel and subsistence support for individuals who wish to be living donors, but who need assistance with these non-medical expenses.

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Public and Professional Education and Outreach

In compliance with National Organ Transplant Act as amended, the Division conducts a multi-pronged public awareness program to increase the number of donor organs made available for transplantation. The program consists of the development and dissemination of print and electronic materials (such as brochures, posters, high school and driver's education educational package, promotional items, and several films including an EMMY™ Award winning documentary) and several national initiatives such as a College Campus Donation Campaign, workplace initiatives, and other efforts targeting special populations.

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Donation and Transplantation Community of Practice

Between 2003 and 2008, HRSA/DoT conducted a series of Breakthrough Collaboratives promoting rapid increases in the number of organ donors made available for transplantation through a series of frequent and intense sharing and learning experiences to exchange proven best practices. This initiative has evolved to the Donation and Transplantation Community of Practice (DTCP) the goal of which is to systematically sustain and improve upon the Collaborative gains utilizing community-driven task forces, meetings, and webinars for healthcare professionals involved in organ donation transplantation.

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