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U.S. Government Information on Organ and Tissue Donation and Transplantation
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Get involved by sharing the importance of organ donation with others. Here are some materials that can help you. All materials listed below are free of charge.
HRSA Information Center To order materials such as brochures and donor cards, call 1-888-ASK-HRSA


The organizations and electronic resources listed below can help you learn more about organ donation and transplantation.
Transplant Centers (Organ Transplants) External Web Site Policy
Representing the largest group of OPTN membership, transplant centers are the medical institutions that operate organ transplant programs.
Organizations Related to Donation & Transplantation
Contact information for many national organizations concerned with organ, tissue, blood, and marrow donation and/or transplantation.
What Every Patient Needs to Know (Organ Transplants) (PDF - 4MB) External Web Site Policy
Created to help patients and their families through the process of organ transplantation and to provide the information needed to make knowledgeable healthcare decisions.
Blood Stem Cell Transplant Resources External Web Site Policy
Materials for patients considering blood or marrow transplantation.

Kelly Olmo Liver Recipient
“We think of Kelly’s donor family and thank them in our hearts every day.”

Reverend Charles Jenkins Donation Advocate
“This mother, in the midst of hurt, saw the commitment and need to help, and followed her son's wishes in ensuring that in his death others would receive life.”


Register to become an organ donor.

Inform family and friends of your decision.

Be involved. There are many opportunities available to help promote donation in your community, workplace and place of worship.

> Find out more


National Events: Visit this page for information and dates of national events and nationally designated months and days when activities related to transplantation and donation take place.

Organ Procurement Organizations: Contact information for the nation's 58 organ procurement organizations (OPOs) that coordinate activities related to organ donation in designated service areas.


Report on Social and Behavioral Research Findings, 1999-2004

This report reviews grant projects that were funded in fiscal years 1999, 2000, and 2001 which submitted final reports by December, 2005 containing sufficient evaluation procedures that the level of success of the program could be assessed.

> Find out more

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