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Do you have an idea for content that should appear on Please take the lead!

Write Content

If you are a federal, state, or local U.S. government employee with responsibility for the content of a publicly funded government website, we encourage you to take the lead and contribute content to post on!

Contact us and we'll be happy to help you get started.

Send Examples, Samples, or Suggestions

Is your website, or a U.S. government website you have visited, a good example of a web best practice?

Would you like to suggest a link*—to an interesting online article, great presentation, good example of web policy, procedure, style, governance model, job description, etc.—that would serve as a resource for government web professionals?

Does your agency offer a tool, service, or other type of resource that could be shared with your peers working on government websites?

Contact us

*Note: If you're suggesting an external link, please review our linking policy.

Content Lead: Natalie Davidson and Andrea Sigritz
Page Reviewed/Updated: July 23, 2012

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