USDA Recovery Act Recipient Reporting Information | USDA
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USDA Recovery Act Recipient Reporting Information

American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009

Section 1512 Recipient Reporting Responsibilities and Resources

Section 1512 of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (Recovery Act) requires that recipients of Federal financial assistance awards under the Recovery Act submit data on a quarterly basis for grants, cooperative agreements, and loans. FAR clause 52.204-11 requires the same of federally awarded contracts funded under the Recovery Act. Under OMB guidance Federal agencies are responsible for guiding the recipients through the reporting process, reviewing and validating the data submitted, and communicating with non-compliant/non-responsive recipients.

Recipients may access for reporting purposes. Updates, user guides, and links to helpful documents may be found within that site on the "Downloads" page.

Agencies may access reports for review and validation through directly or using data extracts provided daily by the USDA OCFO Transparency and Accountability Reporting Division office.

Additional information may be found at, the general Recovery Act information site. The FAQs and Resources section of the website provides additional reporting information.

USDA American Recovery and Reinvestment Act Section 1512 Recipient Report Information and Guidance

USDA OCFO offers guidance regarding this data quality review process to USDA agencies. The guidance incorporates all related Office of Management and Budget memoranda, including the most recent M-10-05, M-10-08, M-10-14, M-10-17, and M-10-34. The document outlines the activities and timing for both the recipient and agency throughout the reporting cycle and contains specific details related to agency reporting responsibilities. The appendices offer links to guidance, regulatory, and legislative documents as well as FAQs and other helpful resources.

The document outlines the activities and timing for both the recipient and agency throughout the reporting cycle and contains specific details related to agency reporting responsibilities.

You may download the most recent USDA Guidance here: ( USDA ARRA Section 1512 Recipient Reporting Guidelines)

* Introduction of the Section 1512 guidance with reference links to OMB guidance and the related Federal Register clause 52.204-11.

* Overview of the reporting cycle process, including who must report to the Web portal,

* Details and timing of the four phases of the quarterly Reporting Cycle, including timeline graphics.

* Overview of the data quality process and other activities needed to assure that submitted data is of the highest quality.

* Details of methodologies and data checks required to assure that information provided to the public is accurate and understandable.

* Listing and description of reports to be submitted by the agencies during the quarterly reporting cycle, including a report deadline table and timeline for current reporting cycle.

* Extensive appendices listing descriptions and links to guidance, FAQs, external Web sites, and other helpful information.

Further USDA Recovery Act information and specific agency activities can be found at the following Web pages:

USDA Recovery Web site

ARS - Agriculture Research Services

FAS - Foreign Agriculture Services

FNS - Food and Nutrition Services

FS - Forest Service

FSA - Farm Services Agency

NRCS - Natural Resource Conservation Services

RD - Rural Development