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    Rate: $0.00

    Payroll Liaison

    The Payroll Services Division manages all aspects of payroll customer service between federal payroll provider and customer agencies on all payroll-related issues.

The Payroll Services Division (PSD) offers centralized and affordable payroll liaison and advocacy services with a focus on customer needs and exceptional service.PSD manages all aspects of payroll customer services between the Federal payroll provider and customer agencies on all pay-related issues. These issues include pay policy, employee pay records, and supporting systems.

Services offered include:

  • Oversight of payroll service requests from agencies and Human Resource Centers
  • Oversight of the biweekly time and attendance process
  • Coordination of customer agencies’ payroll activities with the Federal payroll vendor
  • Providing direction, technical assistance, and standard operating procedures for payroll liaisons and others who input data or use output from personnel and payroll systems
  • Diagnosis of problems and devising of solutions to systemic problems and inefficiencies related to payroll payments of agency employees
  • Providing information and resolution of audit-related issues and findings
  • Monitoring of Federal payroll vendor performance against the Service Level Agreement

Offered to:

All federal agencies and Departments serviced by one (1) of the four (4) federal pay providers


99% or more of all civilian employees will be paid accurately and on time each pay period.

95% of all Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT)/Check Return requests will be interfaced to the payroll provider within three business days

90% of all Special Pay requests will be interfaced to the payroll provider within two (2) business days.

Average time to resolve all pay/leave issues will be 10 business days or less from the time of receipt.


    $142.54 per W-2 plus agreed-upon “actual” costs for special initiatives


    301-504-3301; hhspayliaisonandadvocacy@hhs.gov

Additional Resources

    Payroll Letters