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related to Recovery Act spending and allows for the reporting of potential fraud, waste, and abuse.

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Results Summary
Total Awards
Total Prime Recipient Award Amount
Number of Awards
Total Sub Recipient Award Amount
Number of Awards
Total Vendor Award Amount
Number of Awards
3,171 Contracts
13 Grants
0 Loans
sortRecipient (DUNS) Sorted Ascending
sortAward #sortOrder #sortAwarding
sortAward TypeAward
sortRecipient Role
201 ALASKA ROAD BORING COMPANY (103371506) 04 0014 Department of the Air Force Contracts $75,000.00 Sub-Recipient
202 ALASKA ROAD BORING COMPANY (103371506) 04 0022 Department of the Air Force Contracts $200,000.00 Sub-Recipient
203 ALASKA ROAD STRIPING, INC. (809228971) 5069-2 5069 Department of the Air Force Contracts $23,386.40 Sub-Recipient
204 ALASKA ROAD STRIPING, INC. (809228971) 5065-2 5065 Department of the Air Force Contracts $20,973.12 Sub-Recipient
205 ALASKA ROAD STRIPING, INC. (809228971) 5068-1 5068 Department of the Air Force Contracts $10,793.44 Sub-Recipient
206 Alberto Garcia Construction Service Inc (032060217) 2615sa10-D 5H01 Department of the Air Force Contracts $29,217.90 Sub-Recipient
207 Alerion Door and Glass Inc. (833568405) 2009-45-01 Department of the Air Force Contracts $164,358.00 Sub-Recipient
208 ALEUT GLOBAL SOLUTIONS, LLC (016857281) FA255002C0004P00408 Department of the Air Force Contracts $346,306.00 $79,374.00 Prime
209 ALEUT GLOBAL SOLUTIONS, LLC (016857281) P00408 Department of the Air Force Contracts $346,306.00 $79,374.00 Prime
210 ALII FLOORING, INC. (033174426) 1094-1 5111 Department of the Air Force Contracts $25,250.00 Sub-Recipient
211 ALL AMERICAN ASPHALT (048763379) LPS95H01-0001 5H01 Department of the Air Force Contracts $1,186,447.40 Sub-Recipient
212 ALL AMERICAN BROTHERS COMPANY, LLC (131503612) FA3030-08-D-0003 Department of the Air Force Contracts $1,447,760.66 $629,510.66 Prime
213 ALL AMERICAN BROTHERS COMPANY, LLC (131503612) FA3030-08-D-0003 Department of the Air Force Contracts $1,448,940.12 $630,690.12 Prime
214 ALL AMERICAN BROTHERS COMPANY, LLC (131503612) FA3030-08-D-0003 Department of the Air Force Contracts $325,724.73 $139,596.73 Prime
215 ALL AMERICAN BROTHERS COMPANY, LLC (131503612) FA3030-08-D-0003 Department of the Air Force Contracts $438,389.60 $438,389.60 Prime
216 ALL AMERICAN BROTHERS COMPANY, LLC (131503612) FA3030-08-D-0003 Department of the Air Force Contracts $423,765.72 $305,077.72 Prime
217 ALL AMERICAN BROTHERS COMPANY, LLC (131503612) FA3030-08-D-0003 Department of the Air Force Contracts $374,108.39 $37,149.57 Prime
218 ALL AMERICAN BROTHERS COMPANY, LLC (131503612) FA3030-08-D-0003 Department of the Air Force Contracts $74,995.34 $74,995.34 Prime
219 ALL AMERICAN BROTHERS COMPANY, LLC (131503612) FA3030-08-D-0003 Department of the Air Force Contracts $405,935.28 $405,935.28 Prime
220 ALL AMERICAN BROTHERS COMPANY, LLC (131503612) FA3030-08-D-0003 Department of the Air Force Contracts $306,847.83 $306,847.83 Prime