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Results Summary
Total Awards
Total Prime Recipient Award Amount
Number of Awards
Total Sub Recipient Award Amount
Number of Awards
Total Vendor Award Amount
Number of Awards
3,171 Contracts
13 Grants
0 Loans
RowNumbersortRecipient (DUNS)sortAward #sortOrder #
 Sorted Ascending
sortAward TypeAward
sortRecipient Role
1 EAGLEPICHER TECHNOLOGIES, LLC (788104334) 52930SRD9S Department of the Air Force Contracts $1,673,834.00 Sub-Recipient
2 A P R CONSULTING, INC. (610049231) 2708450, 2708454, 2708455 Department of the Air Force Contracts $280,606.69 Sub-Recipient
3 AMERIFORCE CRAFT SERVICES INC (123210994) 2708460 Department of the Air Force Contracts $45,985.50 Sub-Recipient
4 CARAWAY AND CUCKLER ENGINEERINGS SERVICES INC. (939156147) 2708464 Department of the Air Force Contracts $77,114.00 Sub-Recipient
5 WESTWIND ENGINEERING, INC. (007911907) 2708494, 19600S, 2708496, 2708498, 2725922 Department of the Air Force Contracts $155,701.84 Sub-Recipient
6 NORTHROP GRUMMAN SPACE & MISSION SYSTEMS CORP. (008324949) F04701-02-C-0502 Department of the Air Force Contracts $25,714,260.00 $11,401,992.89 Prime
7 AEROFLEX COLORADO SPRINGS INC (795480698) 19720SDE9S Department of the Air Force Contracts $252,529.00 Sub-Recipient
8 BALL AEROSPACE & TECHNOLOGIES CORP. (926451519) 64584DDQ2S Department of the Air Force Contracts $6,788,456.95 Sub-Recipient
9 ITT SPACE SYSTEMS, LLC (175962088) 7600003098 Department of the Air Force Contracts $5,038,039.13 Sub-Recipient
10 CURTIS CONSTRUCTION COMPANY, INC. (024659179) 06-DC-002-0118 TO5116 Department of the Air Force Contracts $784,971.20 Sub-Recipient
11 ALLCO ELECTRIC, INC. (086171308) 06-DC-002-0162 TO5126 Department of the Air Force Contracts $599,634.00 Sub-Recipient
12 ALLCO ELECTRIC, INC. (086171308) 06-DC-002-0129 TO5119 Department of the Air Force Contracts $31,590.00 Sub-Recipient
13 ALLCO ELECTRIC, INC. (086171308) 06-DC-002-0139 TO5117 Department of the Air Force Contracts $69,395.00 Sub-Recipient
14 Z & Z Seal Coating, Inc. (148441343) 4456 CP 002 1 Department of the Air Force Contracts $107,641.88 Sub-Recipient
15 ICON CONSULTING GROUP, INC. (095123217) FA4877-08-D-C001 Department of the Air Force Contracts $89,930.22 $24,867.22 Prime
16 ULTRACELL CORPORATION (120812602) FA8650-10-2-2000 Department of the Air Force Contracts $2,999,480.00 $2,999,480.00 Prime
17 CH2M HILL CONSTRUCTORS, INC. (042436886) FA300208D0005 Department of the Air Force Contracts $14,087,078.00 $14,087,078.00 Prime
18 ICON CONSULTING GROUP, INC. (095123217) FA4877-08-D-C001 Department of the Air Force Contracts $115,176.49 $38,218.49 Prime
19 ICON CONSULTING GROUP, INC. (095123217) FA4877-08-D-C001 Department of the Air Force Contracts $167,939.97 $19,749.28 Prime
20 ICON CONSULTING GROUP, INC. (095123217) FA4877-08-D-C001 Department of the Air Force Contracts $276,675.34 $35,321.67 Prime