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Navigate Up - Track the Money is the U.S. government's official website that provides easy access to data
related to Recovery Act spending and allows for the reporting of potential fraud, waste, and abuse.

 Late Reporters

Recipients who have received a contract, grant, or  loan award funded by the Recovery Act are required to report on the status of those awards every Jan. 1-10, April 1-10, July 1-10, and Oct. 1-10, until completion of the funded project(s).   The graphs represent  the number of reports submitted after those dates in  certain quarters. 

Late Reports vs. On-Time Reports: All Reports: Q3/09 Late 16,997, On Time 113,365 | Q4/09 Late 11,807, On Time 148,944 | Q2/10 Late 192,993, On Time 3,944 | Q3/10 Late 8,010, On Time 201,976 - By Award Type; Contracts: Q3/09 Late 3,948, On Time 9,132 | Q4/09 Late 1,081, On Time 20,344 | Q2/10 Late 1,135, On Time 28,362 | Q3/10 Late 2,296, On Time 31,895 - Grants: Q3/09 Late 12,811, On Time 103,864 | Q4/09 Late 10,676, On Time 139,651 | Q2/10 Late 2,771, On Time 163,518 | Q3/10 Late 5,630, On Time 168,565 | Loans: Q3/09 Late 238, On Time 369 | Q4/09 Late 50, On Time 756 | Q2/10 Late 38, On Time 1,113 | Q3/10 Late 84, On Time 1,516

As Reported by Recipients
Updated 10/30/2010